Prvo upoznavanje nije prošlo dobro
Someone wasn't too thrilled about their new friend.
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Labud stvarno zna uplašiti
Swan Scaring Dog from r/AnimalsBeingJerks
Ovako se sova skriva kada dođu gosti
Owl hides behind its owner whenever there is a visitor in the house from r/aww
Još uvijek misle da sam patka
Day 3: they still think I'm a duck. I mean, Quack. from r/frens
Ne sviđaš mi se
Cat Photos Taken At Just The Right Moment Should You get Health Insurance for your Pet from r/aww
Razgovor između sove i vjeverice
� A daylight encounter between an Owl and a Squirrel from r/NatureIsFuckingLit
Pokušavaš ući na naš teritorij?
Joey is the sheep whisperer from r/unlikelyfriends
Iza mene je, zar ne?
Haski su inače hrabri psi
Hold me, I'm scared! from r/funny
Što patka radi ovdje?
What the duck is going on here from r/funny
Hm, ovo je ptica?
My dog is deathly afraid of my brother's bird
Novi prijatelji?
My buddy just posted this on facebook. He just got married and was trying to introduce his cat to his new dog from r/aww
Banda napada
Please--Stop, I can explain!! It was a mistake!