snom pravednice! /

U začinjenoj salati, na zidu pa čak i u psu - mačka će zaspati bilo gdje i to u pozama koje graniče s nemogućim

Foto: u/estherthegrump/reddit

Jeste li ikada čuli da mačke muči nesanica? Nismo ni mi. Mačka može zaspati bilo kad i bilo gdje, osim noću - tada uglavnom maltretira ukućane. Voljeli ih ili ne, ove mačke će vam sigurno popraviti raspoloženje. Uhvaćene su dok spavaju na najčudnijim mjestima i u najčudnijim pozama

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Zašto ne u kacigi? Trenutak pred spavanje

    my kitten in motorbike helmet
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa

U dubokom snu balansira između kauča i ormarića

    I know cats like to sleep in weird positions, but this is probably the most ridiculous from r/pics

Salata od mačke i špinata

    My cat fell asleep in my salad from r/funny

Jednostavno ju je uzelo

    D'AWWW MONDAY AGAAAAIN?! from r/aww

Ovako se ponaša kada misli da je sama doma

    My cat when he thinks there's no one home. from r/aww

Postoji li toplije i sigurnije mjesto za spavanje?

    My 3lb kitten's favorite place to nap is on top of, underneath, inside, and next to our 70lb Golden Retriever. from r/aww

Na leđima, pristojno skupljenih nogu

    My cat always covers his private bits when sleeping on his back, because he is a decent, upstanding member of society. from r/cats

Za razliku od većine mačaka, ova ima lagan san pa ju je prepalo škljocanje fotoaparata

    I was trying to take a picture of my sleeping cat but I ended up scaring her instead. from r/funny

Vodopadna mačka

    Waterfall Kitty from r/catsareliquid


    Very few things disturb her sleep from r/aww

Ovako spava pošten svijet

    I think my cat is actually a tiny man in a cat suit from r/aww

Mačak u čizmama

    I Think This Proves That Cats Really Will Sleep Anywhere from r/aww

Antunutunu izrasla mačka iz lonca

    I planted oat grass for the cat to snack on, she decided it makes a good bed. from r/cats

Nekad je najbolje zabiti glavu u jastuk

    My mom sent me this picture of her cat sleeping from r/aww

"O da, odlično sam se naspavala!"

Držač za mače

    My friend's kitty napping in her cup holder. from r/photoshopbattles

Otopila se mačka

    Help needed! My friend's cat melted... what do we do?? from r/aww

Zna se gdje je kome mjesto

    My Wife and My Cat from r/cats

Pa da...gdje drugdje?

    My cat has a habit of sleeping on my boyfriend's face in the middle of the night. This is what I wake up to every morning. from r/pics


Kompići za spavanje

    I found them like this lol from r/aww

Gotova je :)

    Murph getting over his case of the Mondays from r/aww

"Malo oni peku meso, malo ja spavam u roštilju"

    My girlfriends cat sleeping on the barbecue from r/aww

Kako ostati imun na ovo?

    Found kitty asleep in front of the fire in the cutest position from r/aww

Poslali je u kut pa zaspala

    My new kitten just fell asleep against the wall from r/aww

Na 800 okretaja

    My cat likes to sleep in obscure places... he is SO lucky I saw him before turning on the water.

Kutija je kutija

    My cat wouldn't accept the fact that the box was too small for him. from r/aww

Malo joj vire noge

Šape na jastuku

    I was freaking out cause I couldn't find him...finally found him sleeping like this. from r/cats


    This is how I found her sleeping... from r/cats

Ne, nismo naopako okrenuli fotku

    My boyfriends cat likes to sleep against the wall from r/mildlyinteresting

Iscurila mačka!

    The most comfortable way to sleep apparently. from r/aww

Miš i mačka

    My cat likes to sleep where I can't avoid stroking her from r/aww

Kao da ih je naslikao Michelangelo

    My fiancé and our cat, catching flies. � from r/aww

Već smo spomenuli Michelangela i mačke ...očito veza postoji

    So i caught my cat sleeping in this position.. from r/funny
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