Tigerlilly poses in white lingerie which contrasts her colourful tattoos. AUSTIN, TEXAS, USA: THIS WOMAN has spent twenty-thousand pounds on TATTOOS ? now she?s crowdfunding for an ANAL tattoo and rewarding fans with a video. Model and entrepreneur, Tigerlilly Shelton (26) from Austin, Texas, USA, has been fascinated with tattoos for as long as she can remember. When Tigerlilly was four years old, she would sneak out of her adoptive parents? bar to get a henna tattoo from the shop next door. Tigerlilly loved showing off the intricate designs of the henna at school but she longed for some permanent ink. Tigerlilly always felt inspired to be creative by her adoptive mother, Shannon, who is an actress, singer, and artist herself. She finally got her first tattoo when she was just 14 years old. The design consisted of five stars which ran down her back. Since then, Tigerlilly has spent around £22,850 ($30,000) inking over 80 per cent of her body including her face, ribs, and solar plexus ? the latter of which was the most painful. The young entrepreneur sees the tattoos as a form of self-expression and enjoys being different. As such, Tigerlilly has no plans to stop and hopes to complete a full bodysuit. Next on the cards is finishing an ongoing back piece and getting Japanese filler ? a small, intricate design used to fill gaps ? on her legs. Tigerlilly?s extensive ink has earnt her a legion of over 54,000 fans on social media. Having just finished her first ever crowdfunding campaign, Tigerlilly has rewarded fans who donated to the campaign for her newest anal tattoo with an exclusive picture of the finished look. The design consists of a few cherry blossoms. Unafraid of being bold, Tigerlilly has never let judgement get to her. Strangers tend to stare at her in public but having been tattooed for most of her life, it?s become quite normal. By owning her look, those around Tigerlilly have become accepting of the tattoos. mediadrumworld.com / @ians_bollocks,Image: 565044954, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no
PITANJE JE SAMO ŠTO KRIJE ISPOD DONJEG RUBLJA: Cura se skinula i sve ostavila paf; za ovo je iskeširala 175.000 kuna?!


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Tigerlilly Shelton (26) iz Austina u Teksasu fascinirana je tetovažama otkad zna za sebe.

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U školi se voljela hvaliti svojim dizajnima tetovaža, koje je redovito imala po rukama, ali čeznula je za trajnom tintom.

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Kada je napokon odrasla, Tigerlilly je počela slijediti svoj san i do danas je slikama ukrasila gotovo cijelu površinu tijela.

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Na sve svoje tetovaže, ova je 26-godišnjakinja potrošila vrtoglavih 20.000 funti, odnosno više od 175.000 kuna.

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Kada je imala samo četiri godine, iskradala bi se usvojiteljima do obližnjega tattoo salona da joj naprave barem privremene tetovaže kanom.