Yangon, Myanmar (photographs / video still) NEWS COPY - WITH VIDEO AND PICTURES A Burmese woman who was banned from working as a doctor over her revealing pictures is now earning 50,000 USD a month selling nudes on OnlyFans. Nang Mwe San, 30, graduated from medical school but lost her license in 2019 after posting bikini pictures online - shocking colleagues in conservative Buddhist Myanmar. She was earning around 250 USD in her dream job as a doctor but bosses at the Malaria Monitoring and Evaluation office in Yangon, or Rangoon, demanded she resign. Curvy Nang Mwe San said medical chiefs complained the racy pictures were ''against Burmese tradition''. They later revoked her license to practice medicine. The attractive brunette said she was even harassed online by locals who were offended by her raunchy snaps. However, Nang Mwe San has had the last laugh after joining the adult network where followers from around the world pay 25 USD a month for nude photographs and videos. The Burmese beauty - who is the only girl from Myanmar on the platform - has thousands of fans from countries including the U.S., Mexico, Australia and the UK. Footage shows her in the shower, on a bed, wearing a see-through French maid's costume and dancing seductively with her clothes off. The busty Asian star also has photos of her topless and showing off her Kim Kardashian style backside. “My parents didn’t like it at all since all the old people in Myanmar are very archaic,” Nang Mwe San told local media. ''Though I was shackled by those pressures, by doing so, I became financially comfortable.'' Nang Mwe San said she opened her account on September 21 and has made more than 50,000 USD from subscriptions and tips from her fans. She said she wanted to be financially independent instead of ''relying on sugar daddies''. Nang Mwe San said she has ''earned more than any other job I’ve worked before''. She has no plans to return to working as a doctor,Image: 566353790, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no
OSTALA BEZ LICENCE ZBOG GOLIŠAVIH FOTKI: Bujna liječnica sada zarađuje masnu lovu na poznatoj 18+ stranici


Foto: Profimedia
Nang Mwe San diplomirala je na medicinskom fakultetu, ali je izgubila licenciju 2019. godine zbog objavljivanja svojih fotki u bikiniju na društvenim mrežama.

Foto: Profimedia
Bujna 30-godišnjakinja nije dugo tugovala zbog srušenog sna o liječničkoj karijeri, već se okrenula upravo onomu zbog čega je izgubila licenciju. Sada zarađuje 50.000 dolara mjesečno od objavljivanja golih slika na platformi za odrasle Only Fans.

Foto: Profimedia
Iako se ima mnogočime pohvaliti, prekrasna Nang najviše se ponosi svojom pozamašnom stražnjicom, koju voli gurati u prvi plan na fotografijama.

Foto: Profimedia
Ovoj 30-godišnjoj liječnici iz Burme oduzeta je dozvola za rad u zdravstvu nakon što su njezine golišave fotografije izašle u javnost.






