EXCLUSIVE: Chloe from Australia posts eye-catching pictures on her Instagram page - . Chloed88
However the top-heavy Australian beauty is quick to praise "Mother Nature" for making her really stand out from the crowd.
She revealed hen growing up in her homeland she soon noticed her breasts were much larger than those of her friends with curves she is proud of.
However she is the first to admit her titanic boobs mean most of her clothes are custom-made to suit her unique shape.
She also suffers from chronic back problems due to the extra weight her breasts place on her spin which is a cause for concern being in her late 20s
There aren't many women in the world that have natural breasts.
Fans men and women pay her compliments. 26 Oct 2020,Image: 565579196, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no