She believes that her look makes her unique and special. NONG BUA LAMPHU, THAILAND: STRANGERS compare this woman to a DRUG DEALER after she spent over ELEVEN-THOUSAND-POUNDS covering ninety-eight per cent of her body in tattoos. Freelance model Haruethai Piankaew (35) from Nong Bua Lamphu, Thailand has had a passion for tattoos ever since she was just 14-years-old. She remembers seeing people on television with tattoos, as well as her father, Chatree Piankaew (58) which made her eager to get her own tattoo as she loved how cool they looked. At 14-years-old, Haruethai decided to start designing her own tattoos and she first drew a butterfly. As she fell in love with the design, she decided to do her first tattoo all by herself with a fishing hook and printer ink, which didn?t turn out as well as she had hoped. Despite this, she was hooked and has gone on to have fifty more tattoos, which includes a Japanese Geisha girl, flowers, dragons and other colourful designs. She estimates that 98 per cent of her body is covered in ink and that all of her tattoos have now melded into one full body tattoo. Haruethai has spent an estimated Ł11,000 (500,000 baht) on all her tattoos which includes a dragon done mostly by pieces of bamboo which took 22 hours to complete just half of the tattoo and her most painful tattoo which is of a ?Day of the Dead ?couple on her feet. Despite falling in love with her tattoos, Haruethai has had some hurtful comments directed towards her online and from people who pass her by in the street, where they have called her names such as ?drug dealer? and ?crazy woman? as well as commenting that she is ?disgusting? and ?dirty?. Other comments such as ?What is that? Is she even a real human?? have been left under her social media pictures, which has hurt Haruethai as she is just expressing her creativity and doesn?t understand why people can be so horrible. Although these comments once made her self-conscious about how she looked, she has learned to f,Image: 606767910, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: FBMD230009690100004b4f000035730000869c000024030100444e0100747701000eda0100c9060200b82b0200, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia
HODAJUĆE UMJETNIČKO DJELO: Oslikala cijelo tijelo pa skinula sve sa sebe - da, ima tetovaže i na intimnim dijelovima!


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