kraljice mačke /

Mačkoljupci, pripremili smo poslasticu za vas!

Foto: Cats_of_instagram/Instagram

Njih se ili voli ili ne podnosi. Takve su mačke. Nikoga ne ostavljaju ravnodušnima. Furaju svoj film, imaju utjecajne rođake u Africi, žive u kućama, a toliko su dobre da su i vama pružile krov nad glavom i brinu da niste gladni. Donijet će vam guštera, pticu - što god poželite. Vaše je da ih mazite i da im se obraćate - kad one to hoće. Kliknite SLJEDEĆA

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Mačka u toplicama

Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa

Neprestano je mjakuala dok joj vozač nije dao da spusti šapice na njegovu ruku

    She mews constantly in the car unless my other half lets her rest her paws on him while he drives from r/aww

Netko je rekao hrana?

Svladao ih san

    I was reading in bed last night when I realized my husband and our foster kittens were all fast asleep like this from r/aww

Slatka, mala maca!

    I had to share you the face of this happy little idiot from r/aww

Krevet za velike mace

    She needs to grow into her bed a bit. from r/aww

Ludi provod!

Ova taktika joj uvijek upali

    This is Two Face doing her “Treat Prayer” move. 10/10 works every time. from r/aww

Počinjem misliti da moja djevojka izlazi sa mnom samo zbog moje mačke

    I’m starting to think my gf is only dating me for my cat from r/aww

Jeste li ikada vidjeli bezvoljniju mačku?

    Sad Cat Diary entry day 793: I can see the bottom of my bowl. It has been 2 hours since I have been last attended. My pleas for help have gone unanswered. I am condemned to die. from r/aww

"Izgleda da je mačka zadivljena mojim kulinarskim umijećem"

    My cat seemed very impressed with my cooking from r/aww

"Ona bi vas nešto pitala, ali se malo srami"

    she has something she wants to ask you, but she’s a bit shy. from r/aww

Mislim da se svi možemo poistovjetiti s ovom razinom umora

    I think we can all relate to this level of tired. from r/aww

"Space cat to ground control..." Bowiejeva mačka

    Space cat to ground control, I see a very cute human permission to engage? from r/aww

"Kada sam izvadio umnjake, moja mačka je sa mnom ležala i gledali smo 'Prijatelje'. Sedam godina kasnije (danas) njoj su izvadili dva zuba i mi opet zajerdno ležimo na krevetu i gledamo 'Prijatelje'"

    After I got my wisdom teeth out, my cat laid in bed with me while I watched friends. 7 years later (today) she had to get 2 teeth extracted, and we laid in bed and watched Friends together after. � from r/aww

"Prije nekoliko tjedana sam udomila 12-godišnju mačku. Zabije njuškicu u moj dlan kada traži malo ljubavi"

    A few weeks ago I adopted a 12 year old cat. She buries her face in my hand when she wants more love. from r/Eyebleach


    My cat loves to sleep like this and it’s undeniably the cutest thing I’ve ever experienced from r/aww

Stručnjakinja za javne nastupe. Kad god traži pozornost, zauzme ovaj položaj

    My cat always swipes his paws in the air when he wants attention. Took the picture at the perfect time. from r/aww

Napuštena mačka došla je u ured i pronašla si ugodno mjesto na laptopu

    A stray cat barged into office today and made itself comfortable on my laptop. from r/aww

"Ja sam stjuardesa i ovo je moj današnji prvi putnik. Uljepšao mi je dan"

    I'm a flight attendant and this was my first passenger this morning...she made my day! Reddit, meet Zuri. � from r/aww
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