HORSHAM, ENGLAND: Olivia went through 16 rounds of chemotherapy. AFTER losing her eye to cancer this KIM KARDASHIAN lookalike began sharing glam pics showing off her empty socket online and found love in the process. Care assistant Olivia Deane (23) from Horsham, West Sussex, UK, was diagnosed with retinoblastoma in 2008, a rare cancer of the eye usually found in children under the age of four. It wasn?t until Olivia was 12 that the cancer was discovered during a routine sight test, and after 16 rounds of chemotherapy at Great Ormond Street Hospital, her eye was removed in December 2010, aged 15. She had a prosthetic eye made a month later and grew up worried she would never have a romantic relationship, believing no-one would be attracted to her because of her lazy eye. But the Kim Kardashian lookalike decided to take out her prosthetic eye and post a picture on Instagram in March 2019, wanting to connect with other people that had similar experiences. She soon found an online community of people with prosthetic eyes and has encouraged others to bare their empty sockets and embrace themselves. The post garnered a lot of attention, including comments from trolls that called her ?one eyed pr**k?. But Olivia believes it is worth it to support other people in her situation, and receive their support in return. After sharing her journey on social media, Olivia?s confidence increased and she met her boyfriend Max (24) in February 2020. She is currently studying an NVQ in health and social care, and hopes one day to work at Great Ormond Street Hospital supporting young children with retinoblastoma. Mediadrumworld / @livdeaney,Image: 564507766, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: FBMD2300096b010000f83c000087500000d1640000ebc80000910601005322010047760100afac0100f8c40100, Model Release: no
VIDITE LI NEŠTO NEOBIČNO NA OVOJ LJEPOTICI? Usprkos teškoj tjelesnoj mani, svi je uspoređuju s Kim Kardashian


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Nakon što je izgubila oko zbog raka, ova dvojnica Kim Kardashian, kako joj mnogi tepaju, počela je objavljivati svoje fotografije kojima želi pokazati kako i žene s tjelesnim nedostacima mogu biti lijepe.

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Njegovateljica Olivia Deane (23) iz Sussexa u Velikoj Britaniji dobila je 2008. strašnu dijagnozu - retinoblastom, rijetka vrsta raka u oku, koja obično pogađa djecu do četvrte godine života.

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Međutim, Oliviji su bolest otkrili u dobi od 12 godina tijekom rutinske kontrole vida.

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Nakon čak 16 ciklusa kemoterapije, liječnici su joj ipak morali odstraniti oko u prosincu 2010. Tada je imala samo 15 godina.

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