Bolnica Lelux u Bangkoku započela je s ovim neobičnim tretmanom prije šest mjeseci nakon što se jedan klijent požalio na tamne predjele na spolovilu. Sada imaju od tri do četiri klijenta dnevno. Unatoč zabrinutosti javnosti zbog naizgled nepotrebne i glupe prakse, iz klinike kažu kako imaju više upita nego ikad.

This promotional handout from 2016 and received by AFP on January 4, 2018 from Lelux Hospital shows a man undergoing a penis whitening procedure at the Bangkok branch of Lelux Hospital. The Bangkok clinic that has drawn 100 men a month to its penis whitening service has caused a stir in Thailand, with social media users both baffled and alarmed by the phallic fad. The Lelax Hospital, renowned for its body whitening expertise in a country obsessed with skin colour, began offering the unconventional treatment six months ago after a male customer complained of "dark parts" on his groin. / AFP PHOTO / LELUX HOSPITAL / Handout / -----EDITORS NOTE --- RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY CREDIT "AFP PHOTO / Lelux Hospital" - NO MARKETING - NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS - NO ARCHIVES
Procedura, koja podrazumijeva lasersko izbjeljivanje, prikazana je i na tajlandskoj televiziji, a proširila se na društvenim mrežama nakon što je bolnica objavila fotografije muškarca koji je usred postupka. "Moramo biti oprezni jer je riječ o osjetljivom dijelu tijela", kaže liječnik Bunthita Wattanasiri.

This promotional handout from 2016 and received by AFP on January 4, 2018 from Lelux Hospital shows a man undergoing a penis whitening procedure at the Bangkok branch of Lelux Hospital. The Bangkok clinic that has drawn 100 men a month to its penis whitening service has caused a stir in Thailand, with social media users both baffled and alarmed by the phallic fad. The Lelax Hospital, renowned for its body whitening expertise in a country obsessed with skin colour, began offering the unconventional treatment six months ago after a male customer complained of "dark parts" on his groin. / AFP PHOTO / LELUX HOSPITAL / Handout / -----EDITORS NOTE --- RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY CREDIT "AFP PHOTO / Lelux Hospital" - NO MARKETING - NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS - NO ARCHIVES
Izbjeljivanje i posvjetljivanje kože na drugim dijelovima tijela uobičajena je i potpuno normalna stvar koja se često nudi i na internetu, ali ovo je izazvalo veliku buru javnosti na društvenim mrežama. Ljudi uglavnom pišu: "Opsesija. Ljudi danas više ne mogu prihvatiti ni vlastitu boju kože. "O Bože, što se to dogodilo sa svijetom?", ali bilo je i komentara poput "Zašto ne?", piše Daily Mail.