COPENHAGEN, DENMARK: Eldina in her teens when she plucked her eyebrows. THIS WOMAN refuses to shave off her moustache or massive unibrow even though men stare at it like it's a ?third head? because it helps her ?weed out? potential love interests. Tutor Eldina Jaganjac (31) from Copenhagen, Denmark, grew up in a small city where everyone was expected to fit in and look similar. As Eldina got older, she grew frustrated by the fact that women are expected to spend more time and money on maintaining their looks through hair removal than men are. In March 2020, Eldina decided to stop plucking the hairs in between her eyebrows and removing the hair on her upper lip, realising she only felt less feminine when they were fuller because of societal expectations. Eldina doesn?t care what she looks like or what other people think of her anymore but admits men have shouted ?pluck that? at her in the street and she notices men staring at her eyebrows like she has a ?third head.? Despite this, Eldina believes that men only pass comments on her looks based on their own insecurities because it leads them to question what it means to really be a man. When it comes to dating, Eldina believes that her unibrow and facial hair is a blessing as it means she gets to weed out any ?conservative? potential suitors who are put off by her look straight away and in turn she receives more positive attention. Mediadrumworld/ Eldina Jaganjac,Image: 573063760, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no
ELDINA OD OŽUJKA NIJE DEPILIRALA OBRVE: Ovako je izgledala tada, a danas... 'Muškarci me gledaju s gađenjem, ali briga me'


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U ožujku ove godine, Jaganjac je odlučila potpuno odbaciti britvicu i pincetu te ponosno nositi svoj prirodan "dlakavi" izgled.

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To je značilo da su 31-godišnjakinji počele rasti dlačice iznad usnica, a obrve su joj se spojile u jednu.

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Ona kaže da je sada samopouzdanija no ikad, usprkos osuđujućim pogledima muškaraca na ulici.

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Eldina Jaganjac (31) iz Kopenhagena u Danskoj odrasla je u malenu gradiću u kojiemu je najvažnije bilo prilagoditi se i izgledati slično drugima.

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Kako je sazrijevala, Eldinu je počela frustrirati činjenica da se od žena očekuje da troše više vremena i novca na uljepšavanje nego od muškaraca.

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