'Oduzeli su mi mobitel i internet, ali nas nisu rastavili'

Foto: Profimedia

Par se u budućnosti planira vjenčati, ali ne i imati djecu

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Urszula Grzelak (19) i Nigel Thorpe (61) u sretnoj su ljubavnoj vezi već tri godine, unatoč golemoj dobnoj razlici od 42 godine. Mlada studentica upoznala je svojega odabranika u Oxfordu, kada je 2016. iz Poljske otišla posjetiti rodbinu u Velikoj Britaniji. Tada je imala svega 16 godina.


OXFORD, UNITED KINGDOM: Nigel has met Urszula's parents and they get along well. A FORTY-TWO-YEAR age gap wasn’t enough to deter this loved up couple who have been together for three-years despite meeting when she was just SIXTEEN and having people point and stare at them in public, branding their relationship SICK and her a GOLD DIGGER. Student, Urszula Grzelak (19) from Warsaw, Poland, first met her partner and love of her life, sales associate, Nigel Thorpe (61) from Oxford, UK, when she visited family in the UK in August 2016. Nigel was a friend of Urszula’s aunt and attended a dinner party she was hosting to celebrate her niece’s arrival. Urszula found herself feeling drawn to Nigel and he listened whilst she spoke about her studies and what she wanted to do when she finished school but after the meal, she went up to her room, never expecting to see him again. Two weeks into her stay, Urszula’s aunt was having problems with her partner and decided it would be best for the two of them to stay with Nigel until the end of her holiday. The pair spent whole days together visiting local attractions whilst her aunt was at work and Urszula was in awe of Nigel’s music collection and they bonded over their passion for rock music. As days passed Urszula realised she’d fallen in love with Nigel and one night decided to tell him. Nigel was shocked by the revelation and told Urszula he needed time to think. A few days later, Nigel drove her to the airport and he hugged her and gave her a kiss which told Urszula he had the same feelings for her. Back in Poland, she couldn’t wait to tell her parents about Nigel but they were not happy and tried to cut her off from Nigel by taking away her phone and the internet. This was unsuccessful and Urszula made sure the pair kept in touch over FaceTime, before moving to the UK in June last year to live with him. Now, Urszula’s parents are happy with their daughter’s choice of partner, seeing how happy she is and Nigel h, Image: 465689933, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Media Drum World

Oboje su se našli na istoj obiteljskoj proslavi jer je Nigel bio prijatelj Urszuline tete. Par se zaljubio na prvi pogled. Dva tjedna poslije, Urszulina se teta posvađala s partnerom i odlučila kako ona i njezina nećakinja trebaju na neko vrijeme ostati kod Nigela. To je samo dodatno pojačalo privlačnost koju su oboje osjetili na proslavi.

Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa

OXFORD, UNITED KINGDOM: The couple hope to get married one day. A FORTY-TWO-YEAR age gap wasn’t enough to deter this loved up couple who have been together for three-years despite meeting when she was just SIXTEEN and having people point and stare at them in public, branding their relationship SICK and her a GOLD DIGGER. Student, Urszula Grzelak (19) from Warsaw, Poland, first met her partner and love of her life, sales associate, Nigel Thorpe (61) from Oxford, UK, when she visited family in the UK in August 2016. Nigel was a friend of Urszula’s aunt and attended a dinner party she was hosting to celebrate her niece’s arrival. Urszula found herself feeling drawn to Nigel and he listened whilst she spoke about her studies and what she wanted to do when she finished school but after the meal, she went up to her room, never expecting to see him again. Two weeks into her stay, Urszula’s aunt was having problems with her partner and decided it would be best for the two of them to stay with Nigel until the end of her holiday. The pair spent whole days together visiting local attractions whilst her aunt was at work and Urszula was in awe of Nigel’s music collection and they bonded over their passion for rock music. As days passed Urszula realised she’d fallen in love with Nigel and one night decided to tell him. Nigel was shocked by the revelation and told Urszula he needed time to think. A few days later, Nigel drove her to the airport and he hugged her and gave her a kiss which told Urszula he had the same feelings for her. Back in Poland, she couldn’t wait to tell her parents about Nigel but they were not happy and tried to cut her off from Nigel by taking away her phone and the internet. This was unsuccessful and Urszula made sure the pair kept in touch over FaceTime, before moving to the UK in June last year to live with him. Now, Urszula’s parents are happy with their daughter’s choice of partner, seeing how happy she is and Nigel has even stayed at, Image: 465689929, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Media Drum World

Zajednička ljubav prema metalu

"Bila sam vrlo entuzijastična i puna pozitivne energije kada sam shvatila da se zaljubljujem u njega. Kao da su mi osjećaji prema njemu davali snagu za dalje. Postala sam prilično opsjednuta njime", priznala je studentica u razgovoru za Daily Mail.


OXFORD, UNITED KINGDOM: Nigel and Urszula have been together for three years. A FORTY-TWO-YEAR age gap wasn’t enough to deter this loved up couple who have been together for three-years despite meeting when she was just SIXTEEN and having people point and stare at them in public, branding their relationship SICK and her a GOLD DIGGER. Student, Urszula Grzelak (19) from Warsaw, Poland, first met her partner and love of her life, sales associate, Nigel Thorpe (61) from Oxford, UK, when she visited family in the UK in August 2016. Nigel was a friend of Urszula’s aunt and attended a dinner party she was hosting to celebrate her niece’s arrival. Urszula found herself feeling drawn to Nigel and he listened whilst she spoke about her studies and what she wanted to do when she finished school but after the meal, she went up to her room, never expecting to see him again. Two weeks into her stay, Urszula’s aunt was having problems with her partner and decided it would be best for the two of them to stay with Nigel until the end of her holiday. The pair spent whole days together visiting local attractions whilst her aunt was at work and Urszula was in awe of Nigel’s music collection and they bonded over their passion for rock music. As days passed Urszula realised she’d fallen in love with Nigel and one night decided to tell him. Nigel was shocked by the revelation and told Urszula he needed time to think. A few days later, Nigel drove her to the airport and he hugged her and gave her a kiss which told Urszula he had the same feelings for her. Back in Poland, she couldn’t wait to tell her parents about Nigel but they were not happy and tried to cut her off from Nigel by taking away her phone and the internet. This was unsuccessful and Urszula made sure the pair kept in touch over FaceTime, before moving to the UK in June last year to live with him. Now, Urszula’s parents are happy with their daughter’s choice of partner, seeing how happy she is and Nigel has, Image: 465689920, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Media Drum World

Njihovu je vezu dodatno učvrstila zajednička ljubav prema metal glazbi. Urszula kaže kako ju je impresionirala bogata kolekcija koju joj je pokazao njezin dečko na početku veze.

Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa

"Čim sam na njegovim policama vidjela CD-ove i ploče svojih omiljenih bendova, odlučila sam da će mi to biti izgovor za duge razgovore. Slušali smo glazbu zajedno i povjerovala sam da ona ima posebnu moć. Glazba doista povezuje ljude", rekla je mlada Poljakinja.


OXFORD, UNITED KINGDOM: Urszula has been with Nigel for three years now. A FORTY-TWO-YEAR age gap wasn’t enough to deter this loved up couple who have been together for three-years despite meeting when she was just SIXTEEN and having people point and stare at them in public, branding their relationship SICK and her a GOLD DIGGER. Student, Urszula Grzelak (19) from Warsaw, Poland, first met her partner and love of her life, sales associate, Nigel Thorpe (61) from Oxford, UK, when she visited family in the UK in August 2016. Nigel was a friend of Urszula’s aunt and attended a dinner party she was hosting to celebrate her niece’s arrival. Urszula found herself feeling drawn to Nigel and he listened whilst she spoke about her studies and what she wanted to do when she finished school but after the meal, she went up to her room, never expecting to see him again. Two weeks into her stay, Urszula’s aunt was having problems with her partner and decided it would be best for the two of them to stay with Nigel until the end of her holiday. The pair spent whole days together visiting local attractions whilst her aunt was at work and Urszula was in awe of Nigel’s music collection and they bonded over their passion for rock music. As days passed Urszula realised she’d fallen in love with Nigel and one night decided to tell him. Nigel was shocked by the revelation and told Urszula he needed time to think. A few days later, Nigel drove her to the airport and he hugged her and gave her a kiss which told Urszula he had the same feelings for her. Back in Poland, she couldn’t wait to tell her parents about Nigel but they were not happy and tried to cut her off from Nigel by taking away her phone and the internet. This was unsuccessful and Urszula made sure the pair kept in touch over FaceTime, before moving to the UK in June last year to live with him. Now, Urszula’s parents are happy with their daughter’s choice of partner, seeing how happy she is and Nigel has even, Image: 465689915, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Media Drum World

Planiraju brak, ali ne i djecu

Iako su njihovi osjećaji bili obostrani, ovom nesvakidašnjem paru nije bilo lako. "Kada sam došla kući i rekla roditeljima, oni su pobjesnili na mene i željeli su me rastaviti od Nigela. To što su mi oduzeli mobitel i internet nije me spriječilo da ostanem u kontaktu s njime jer naši su osjećaji postajali sve snažniji i snažniji", ispričala je Urszula.


OXFORD, UNITED KINGDOM: Urszula and Nigel have no plans for having children but want to get married. A FORTY-TWO-YEAR age gap wasn’t enough to deter this loved up couple who have been together for three-years despite meeting when she was just SIXTEEN and having people point and stare at them in public, branding their relationship SICK and her a GOLD DIGGER. Student, Urszula Grzelak (19) from Warsaw, Poland, first met her partner and love of her life, sales associate, Nigel Thorpe (61) from Oxford, UK, when she visited family in the UK in August 2016. Nigel was a friend of Urszula’s aunt and attended a dinner party she was hosting to celebrate her niece’s arrival. Urszula found herself feeling drawn to Nigel and he listened whilst she spoke about her studies and what she wanted to do when she finished school but after the meal, she went up to her room, never expecting to see him again. Two weeks into her stay, Urszula’s aunt was having problems with her partner and decided it would be best for the two of them to stay with Nigel until the end of her holiday. The pair spent whole days together visiting local attractions whilst her aunt was at work and Urszula was in awe of Nigel’s music collection and they bonded over their passion for rock music. As days passed Urszula realised she’d fallen in love with Nigel and one night decided to tell him. Nigel was shocked by the revelation and told Urszula he needed time to think. A few days later, Nigel drove her to the airport and he hugged her and gave her a kiss which told Urszula he had the same feelings for her. Back in Poland, she couldn’t wait to tell her parents about Nigel but they were not happy and tried to cut her off from Nigel by taking away her phone and the internet. This was unsuccessful and Urszula made sure the pair kept in touch over FaceTime, before moving to the UK in June last year to live with him. Now, Urszula’s parents are happy with their daughter’s choice of partner, seeing how happ, Image: 465689943, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Media Drum World

Sada su njezini roditelji prihvatili činjenicu da im kći ljubi 42 godine starijega muškarca, no javnost ih i dalje ne štedi negativnih komentara i tračeva. "Ljudi nas nazivaju bolesnima i kontroverznima. Upiru prstom u nas na ulici", požalila se novinarima.

Nakon što je završila srednju školu, Urszula je napustila rodnu Poljsku i otišla živjeti kod Nigela. Par se u budućnosti planira vjenčati, ali ne i imati djecu.

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Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
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