James Middleton, brat vojvotkinje od Cambridgea, za britanski Telegraph progovorio je o svojoj borbi s depresijom te priznao da je razmišljao i da si oduzme život. "Ništa nisam mogao raditi, nisam mogao spavati, čitati, jesti… Povukao sam se u sebe. Mislim da sam tada, prije nekoliko godina, dosegnuo najnižu točku u životu", rekao je James koji je zbog depresije godinu dana išao na psihoterapije na kojima su mu se znali pridružiti i ostali članovi obitelji, sestra Kate, majka Carol, otac Michael i druga sestra Pippa.
Various, UNITED KINGDOM - Celebrity social media photos!
*UK Clients - Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*, Image: 471377063, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: BACKGRID / Backgrid UK / Profimedia
KATE MIDDLETON PONOVNO TRUDNA? Zbog ovih nekoliko detalja Britanci su sigurni – stiže četvrta beba!
James se godinama borio i s disleksijom te poremećajem pažnje. "Bio sam na mračnom, strašnom mjestu", rekao je. Osim kognitivno-bihevioralne terapije, puno su mu pomogli i njegovi koker španijeli. To ga je potaknulo da se uključi u humanitarnu udrugu "Pets as Therapy" u kojoj i danas radi.
James se nedavno zaručio za Alizee Thevenet s kojom je u vezi godinu dana.
London, UNITED KINGDOM - *EXCLUSIVE* - James Middleton is spotted for the first time since the news broke of his engagement to his French girlfriend Alizee Thevenet.
James was photographed with his front basket on his bicycle packed full of his beautiful dogs who seemed to be enjoying the ride.
The £2000 bicycle which had been recovered after it had stolen earlier this year seems to have had lights custom fitted at the front of the basket for extra visuality.
*UK Clients - Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*, Image: 476181816, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: BACKGRID / Backgrid UK / Profimedia
The Duchess of Cambridge visits Bletchley Park to view a special D-Day exhibition in Bletchley, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, UK, on the 14th May 2019. 14 May 2019, Image: 433245382, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: NO United Kingdom, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency