Kevin Spacey trenutno je u Beogradu gdje snima seriju, a srpski mediji uhvatili su u šetnji gradom. Holivudski glumac posjetio je i Narodno pozorište, predstavio se na porti te zamolio da pogleda dio probe jedne od predstava na rasporedu. Oskarovac je snimljen i u restoranu Novaka Đokovića "Novak1" gdje je stigao u pratnji dvojice muškaraca. Bio je odjeven u zelenu jaknu i u ruci je nosio kameru. Pri izlasku iz restorana, njegovo društvo u rukama je nosilo vrećice s logom restorana te hranu u kutijama za pse.
Kevin Spacey wearing a green jacket, leaves Novak Djokovic's restaurant, Novak, in Belgrade after a night out with manager, Evan Lowenstein and another unidentified young man, both of whom are carrying doggie bags from the eatery. Lowenstein, who was seen earlier in the day with Spacey is sporting a trucker hat with the word, "QUEEN" on it. 08 Oct 2019, Image: 475822324, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: MEGA / Mega Agency / Profimedia
Podsjetimo, Spacey je bio optužen da je seksualno zlostavljao 18-godišnjaka u baru u Nantucketu prije više od tri godine. Prije tri mjeseca tužitelji su objavili da su odustali od kaznenog progona slavnog glumca.
Kevin Spacey wearing a green jacket, leaves Novak Djokovic's restaurant, Novak, in Belgrade after a night out with manager, Evan Lowenstein and another unidentified young man, both of whom are carrying doggie bags from the eatery. Lowenstein, who was seen earlier in the day with Spacey is sporting a trucker hat with the word, "QUEEN" on it. 08 Oct 2019, Image: 475822336, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: MEGA / Mega Agency / Profimedia
Nakon što je cijela priča procurila u javnost, javilo se još nekoliko osoba koje su Spaceyja optužile za seksualno uznemiravanje, među kojima je i glumac Anthony Rapp koji ga je optužio da ga je seksualno napastovao 1986. kad je imao 14 godina. Spacey je izjavio da se ne sjeća tog susreta, no da kolegi duguje ispiruku ako je ti istina.
American actor Kevin Spacey and musician Evan Lowenstein left Novak Djokovic restaurant.
Pictured: Kevin Spacey, Image: 475870683, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: -ALLCOUNTRY, Model Release: no, Credit line: / Splash / Profimedia
American actor Kevin Spacey and musician Evan Lowenstein left Novak Djokovic restaurant.
Pictured: Kevin Spacey, Image: 475870685, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: -ALLCOUNTRY, Model Release: no, Credit line: / Splash / Profimedia
Kevin Spacey wearing a green jacket, leaves Novak Djokovic's restaurant, Novak, in Belgrade after a night out with manager, Evan Lowenstein and another unidentified young man, both of whom are carrying doggie bags from the eatery. Lowenstein, who was seen earlier in the day with Spacey is sporting a trucker hat with the word, "QUEEN" on it. 08 Oct 2019, Image: 475822346, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: MEGA / Mega Agency / Profimedia