'To je velika čast. Ne mogu vjerovati...'


Film 'Ljubavna priča' iz 1970. nominiran je za sedam Oscara i osvojio je jedan za najbolju originalnu glazbu

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Ali MacGraw i Ryan O'Neal koji su u romantičnoj drami "Ljubavna priča" iz 1970. godine utjelovili mladi par, u petak su dobili zvijezde na holivudskoj Stazi slavnih.

"Tko bi mogao pomisliti da ću završiti sa zvijezdom na Stazi slavnih? Pa, to je dosta dobro ", rekao je O'Neal na svečanosti koja je zbog pandemije koronavirusa održana online.

Glumica MacGraw rekla je da je to "zapanjujuća" čast. "Apsolutno ne mogu vjerovati da sam na ovoj stazi", poručila je.


General views of 'Love Story' actor Ryan O'Neal's new star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. The star for Ryan O'Neal's off-screen love, Farrah Fawcett, faces and touches Ryan's star. A virtual unveiling ceremony for the new star took place earlier in the day 'Love Story' actors Ali MacGraw's and Ryan O'Neal's new stars, Los Angeles, USA - 12 Feb 2021,Image: 590715566, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no

Film "Ljubavna priča" nominiran je za sedam Oscara i osvojio je jedan za najbolju originalnu glazbu.

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Dirljiva ljubavna priča govori o ljubavi između Jenny, duhovite, šarmantne i pametne studentice glazbe i Olivera, studenta prava i nasljednika bogate, ugledne obitelji, i iskušenjima koja je ta ljubav morala proći sve do svog tragičnog kraja kada Jenny umire od leukemije.


RELEASE DATE: Dec 16, 1970. MOVIE TITLE: Love Story. STUDIO: Paramount Pictures. PLOT: Harvard Law student/hockey jock meets Radcliffe music wonk, and the couple soon enter into a relationship. When the couple decide to get married, Oliver's father threatens to disinherit him from the family will, leaving Oliver and Jennifer to start their marriage at rock-bottom. Years go by, and the young couple attempt to have children, only to discover that she is malfunctioning. PICTURED: RYAN O'NEAL as Oliver Barrett IV and ALI MACGRAW as Jennifer Cavalleri.,Image: 94307544, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: aEASE NOTE: Entertainment Pictures is not the copyright owner of this or any television or film publicity images, but only prov, Model Release: no

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