Mama se grčila od smijeha kad joj je sin (7) pokazao ovaj crtež, vidite li zašto?

Foto: Profimedia

On još ne shvaća što je nacrtao, ali imat će se čemu smijati kad naraste

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Dok traju govori na svadbama, odrasli si mogu prikratiti vrijeme uz čašicu, no klinci moraju pronaći druge načine da se zabave. Prije nego što se otvorio plesni podij i započelo slavlje, Jacob Francis (7) uzeo je papir i olovku te crtkarao dok je netko držao zdravicu za mladence.


PIC BY CATERS NEWS (PICTURED Hannah Francis (LEFT) and her son Jacob Francis (RIGHT) are hugging.) A colouring in book is a great tool to keep the little ones quiet during the speeches at a wedding but one guest was shocked when her son's drawing resembled something slightly ruder than a two-tier cake. When schoolboy Jacob Francis, 7, ran out of things to colour in, he decided to draw a cake of his own using a picture of a two-tier cake as a template. His mum Hannah, 30, from Gillingham, Dorset, was left in hysterics when her little boy presented his drawing that resembles a penis. ., Image: 477365183, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: CATERS NEWS, Model Release: no, Credit line: CATERS NEWS / Caters News / Profimedia

Kada mu je nestalo inspiracije, dječak je odlučio nacrtati svadbenu tortu na dva kata, koju je vidio u prostoriji. Njegova majka Hannah (30) počela se histerično smijati kada joj se sin pohvalio svojim crtežom. Zašto? Pa, najbolje da sami pogledate rezultat...


PIC BY CATERS NEWS (PICTURED) Jacob Franciss drawing.) A colouring in book is a great tool to keep the little ones quiet during the speeches at a wedding but one guest was shocked when her son's drawing resembled something slightly ruder than a two-tier cake. When schoolboy Jacob Francis, 7, ran out of things to colour in, he decided to draw a cake of his own using a picture of a two-tier cake as a template. His mum Hannah, 30, from Gillingham, Dorset, was left in hysterics when her little boy presented his drawing that resembles a penis. ., Image: 477365139, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: CATERS NEWS, Model Release: no, Credit line: CATERS NEWS / Caters News / Profimedia


PIC BY CATERS NEWS (PICTURED Jacob Franciss drawing.) A colouring in book is a great tool to keep the little ones quiet during the speeches at a wedding but one guest was shocked when her son's drawing resembled something slightly ruder than a two-tier cake. When schoolboy Jacob Francis, 7, ran out of things to colour in, he decided to draw a cake of his own using a picture of a two-tier cake as a template. His mum Hannah, 30, from Gillingham, Dorset, was left in hysterics when her little boy presented his drawing that resembles a penis. ., Image: 477365166, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: CATERS NEWS, Model Release: no, Credit line: CATERS NEWS / Caters News / Profimedia

Neće završiti na hladnjaku

Da, niste jedini to primijetili - Jacobova torta grozno je nalikovala na muški spolni organ. Budući da je dječak bio izrazito ponosan na svoj rad, njegova je majka ispričala kako se svim silama trudila da njezin sin ne shvati što je toliko smiješno, kako mu ne bi povrijedila osjećaje.


PIC BY CATERS NEWS (PICTURED Hannah Francis (RIGHT) and her son Jacob Francis (LEFT).) A colouring in book is a great tool to keep the little ones quiet during the speeches at a wedding but one guest was shocked when her son's drawing resembled something slightly ruder than a two-tier cake. When schoolboy Jacob Francis, 7, ran out of things to colour in, he decided to draw a cake of his own using a picture of a two-tier cake as a template. His mum Hannah, 30, from Gillingham, Dorset, was left in hysterics when her little boy presented his drawing that resembles a penis. ., Image: 477365203, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: CATERS NEWS, Model Release: no, Credit line: CATERS NEWS / Caters News / Profimedia

KLINKA NACRTALA MAMU GOLU, ALI PAZITE KAKO: ‘Mislim da mi treba dizajner vagine!’; ljudi grcaju od smijeha

Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa

"Moj suprug Glen (31) i ja smijemo se tomu već tjedan dana i svi naši prijatelji koji su vidjeli crtež kažu da je briljantan. Jacobov rad možda neće završiti na hladnjaku, ali ćemo ga definitivno zadržati da vidi što je nacrtao kada bude stariji", kazala je Hannah za Mirror.

Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
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