Svjetska antidopinška agencija (WADA) produžila je suspenziju indijskoga laboratorija u New Delhiju za još šest mjeseci.Laboratorij je akreditaciju WADE izgubio prije godinu dana kada je inspekcijom utvrđeno kršenje međunarodnih standarda i pravila.

This photograph taken on June 7, 2019 shows test tubes containing remnants of biological samples discarded in a waste bin at Lancet laboratories, the only World Anti Doping Agency (WADA) accredited facility for eastern Africa, in the Kenyan capital of Nairobi. Between 2004 and August 2018, 138 Kenyan athletes tested positive, according to a report by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and thirty-four kenyan athletes are currently suspended, under Anti-Doping Agency of Kenya (ADAK)and/or Athletes International Federation rules for testing positive for performance enhancing drugs.,Image: 461249478, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: TO GO WITH AFP STORY BY CYRIL BELAUD, Model Release: no
U New Delhiju se neće moći provoditi testiranja uzoraka urina i krvi
Za vrijeme suspenzije u New Delhiju se neće moći provoditi testiranja uzoraka urina i krvi. U Aziji akreditaciju WADE imaju još samo laboratoriji u Seulu, Pekingu, Dohi i Bangkoku.
Laboratorij u New Delhiju se može žaliti Sudu sportske arbitraže.