Nakon što su po peti put u povijesti postali osvajači hrvatskog Kupa nogometašima Rijeke stižu čestitke sa svih strana. Putem društvenim mreža oglasio se Joško Jeličić, koji se posebno naklonio IgoruBišćanu. Osim njega svog bivšeg kluba sjetili su se Andrej Kramarić (igrao i za Dinamo), Stefan Ristovski i Heber.

Tin JEDVAJ (LEV., L.) Cheers after his goal to 1: 0 with Julian BRANDT (LEV); Soccer Europa League, Group Stage, Group A, matchday 4, Bayer 04 Leverkusen (LEV) - FC Zuerich (ZH) 1: 0, on 08/11/2018 in Leverkusen / Germany. UEFA regulations prohibit any use of images as image sequences and / or quasi-video | usage worldwide, Image: 397939277, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: GERMANY OUT UEFA regulations prohibit any use of photographs as image sequences and/ or quasi-video, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, AFP
Čestitao im Kramarić
Golove u pobjedi Rijeke zabili su, inače, Antonio Čolak (13), Tibor Halilović (40) i Zoran Kvržić (84), dok je strijelac za Dinamo bio Mislav Oršić u 63. minuti. Dinamo je u 73. minuti imao jedanaesterac za izjednačenje, no Simon Sluga je fantastično obranio udarac Daniju Olmu.
"Ovo je uspjeh sviju nas. Presretan sam zbog cijele momčadi i zbog silnog truda koji su uložili, ne samo u ovoj utakmici. Na najljepši mogući način smo zaključili sezonu protiv jakog Dinama," kazao je Bišćan dodavši: "Bili smo u situaciji kada je trebalo pokazati karakter. Dečki su pokazali da su odlični, da imaju potencijala i to smo pokazali", poručio je Igor Bišćan poslije susreta.

Tin JEDVAJ (LEV., L.) Cheers after his goal to 1: 0 with Julian BRANDT (LEV); Soccer Europa League, Group Stage, Group A, matchday 4, Bayer 04 Leverkusen (LEV) - FC Zuerich (ZH) 1: 0, on 08/11/2018 in Leverkusen / Germany. UEFA regulations prohibit any use of images as image sequences and / or quasi-video | usage worldwide, Image: 397939277, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: GERMANY OUT UEFA regulations prohibit any use of photographs as image sequences and/ or quasi-video, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, AFP

Tin JEDVAJ (LEV., L.) Cheers after his goal to 1: 0 with Julian BRANDT (LEV); Soccer Europa League, Group Stage, Group A, matchday 4, Bayer 04 Leverkusen (LEV) - FC Zuerich (ZH) 1: 0, on 08/11/2018 in Leverkusen / Germany. UEFA regulations prohibit any use of images as image sequences and / or quasi-video | usage worldwide, Image: 397939277, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: GERMANY OUT UEFA regulations prohibit any use of photographs as image sequences and/ or quasi-video, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, AFP

Tin JEDVAJ (LEV., L.) Cheers after his goal to 1: 0 with Julian BRANDT (LEV); Soccer Europa League, Group Stage, Group A, matchday 4, Bayer 04 Leverkusen (LEV) - FC Zuerich (ZH) 1: 0, on 08/11/2018 in Leverkusen / Germany. UEFA regulations prohibit any use of images as image sequences and / or quasi-video | usage worldwide, Image: 397939277, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: GERMANY OUT UEFA regulations prohibit any use of photographs as image sequences and/ or quasi-video, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, AFP