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'Mi pobjeđujemo i kada imamo loš dan. Dečki kopaju i bore se, to najviše volim'

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Na putu do prvog naslova engleskog prvaka u posljednjih 30 godina, Liverpool je postavio i niz rekorda.


Liverpool celebrate as they lift the Premier League trophy after the Premier League match at Anfield, Liverpool.,Image: 546130194, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: EDITORIAL USE ONLY No use with unauthorised audio, video, data, fixture lists, club/league logos or "live" services. Online in-match use limited to 120 images, no video emulation. No use in betting, games or single club/league/player publications., Model Release: no

"Bila je to izuzetna i gotovo savršena sezona," kazao je strateg "Redsa" Jurgen Klopp.

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Iznenadit će vas Liverpoolov plan za nadolazeći prijelazni rok


Iznenadit će vas Liverpoolov plan za nadolazeći prijelazni rok

'Nogometni dio godine je bio izuzetan'

"Nogometni dio godine je bio izuzetan. Osvojili smo englesko prvenstvo, svjetsko klupsko prvenstvo, europski Super kup, te osvojili 99 bodova nakon 97 prošle godine," dodao je njemački stručnjak.

Liverpool je osigurao naslov prvaka sedam kola prije kraja prvenstva, dok su Manchester United (2000-01) i Manchester City (2017-18) to učinili pet kola prije kraja.

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Liverpool je postao i prvi klub koji je osvojio naslove prvaka u osam različitih desetljeća.

Zaključio je sezonu sa 32 pobjede čime je izjednačio rekord Manchester Cityja po broju pobjeda u jednoj sezoni.

Pobjedom protiv Aston Ville početkom srpnja, produžili su rekordni niz od 24 uzastopne domaće pobjede u prvenstvu, a prijašnji rekord je držao City sa 20 utakmica. Seriju Kloppove momčadi prekinuio je Burnley odigravši na Anfieldu 1:1.


Liverpool's Croatian defender Dejan Lovren (L), Liverpool's Egyptian midfielder Mohamed Salah (C) and Liverpool's Swiss midfielder Xherdan Shaqiri (R) pose with the Premier League trophy during the presentation following the English Premier League football match between Liverpool and Chelsea at Anfield in Liverpool, north west England on July 22, 2020. Liverpool on Wednesday lifted the Premier League trophy at the famous Kop stand at Anfield after their final home game of the season. With no fans able to attend due to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, Liverpool said the idea for the trophy lift was to honour the club's fans, but Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp urged fans to respect social distancing measures, after thousands gathered around the club's stadium and in the city centre following their coronation as champions last month.,Image: 546133847, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE. No use with unauthorized audio, video, data, fixture lists, club/league logos or 'live' services. Online in-match use limited to 120 images. An additional 40 images may be used in extra time. No video emulation. Social media in-match use limited to 120 images. An additional 40 images may be used in extra time. No use in betting publications, games or single club/league/player publications., Model Release: no

Nanizali i 18 uzastopnih ligaških pobjeda

Ove sezone su nanizali i 18 uzastopnih ligaških pobjeda izjednačivši rekord Manchester Cityja.

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Pobjedom protiv Southampton sa 4:0, prvog dana veljače, Liverpool je pobjegao Cityju na 22 boda prednosti što je tada bila najveća prednost u povijesti Premier lige. Kasnije je narasla i na 25 bodova viška.

Prvi put u 127-godišnjoj povijesti kluba u jednoj su sezoni brem jednom pobijedili svaku momčad.

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Ove sezone su osvojili čak 55 domaćih bodova, što su do sada ostvarili još jedino Chelsea (2005-06), United (2010-11) i City (2011-12).

U posljednjem kolu ove sezone na gostovanju su pobijedili Newcastle United sa 3:1 postavivši novi klupski rekord sa 14 gostujućih pobjeda u jednoj sezoni.


Liverpool fans celebrate outside Anfield in Liverpool, north west England on July 22, 2020 after Liverpool's final home English Premier League football match of the season against Chelsea after which the team was presented with the Premier League trophy. Liverpool on Wednesday lifted the Premier League trophy at the famous Kop stand at Anfield after their final home game of the season. With no fans able to attend due to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, Liverpool said the idea for the trophy lift was to honour the club's fans, but Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp urged fans to respect social distancing measures, after thousands gathered around the club's stadium and in the city centre following their coronation as champions last month.,Image: 546133018, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no

'Mi pobjeđujemo i kada imamo loš dan'

"Mi pobjeđujemo i kada imamo loš dan. Dečki kopaju i bore se, to najviše volim," poručio je Klopp na oproštaju od ove sezone.

"Vjerujem kako iduće sezone možemo biti još bolji," dodao je.

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"Sada moramo napraviti rez, uživajte, budite sretni, a onda sredinom kolovoza ponovo započinjemo s treninzima i od tog trenutka opet ćemo pokušati sa svime što imamo i ništa nas neće zaustaviti," kazao je za Guardian.


Liverpool fans celebrate outside Anfield in Liverpool, north west England on July 22, 2020 after Liverpool's final home English Premier League football match of the season against Chelsea after which the team was presented with the Premier League trophy. Liverpool on Wednesday lifted the Premier League trophy at the famous Kop stand at Anfield after their final home game of the season. With no fans able to attend due to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, Liverpool said the idea for the trophy lift was to honour the club's fans, but Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp urged fans to respect social distancing measures, after thousands gathered around the club's stadium and in the city centre following their coronation as champions last month.,Image: 546133002, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no

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