Jedna stvar im je strogo zabranjena - 'Vrlo je neobičan osjećaj'

Foto: Profimedia

Na trening su igrači ulazili jedan po jedan uz vremenske razmake između ulazaka

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Nogometaši Bayerna odradili su prvi trening, usprskos činjenici da je u njihovoj zemlji stanje s pandemijom koronavirusa podosta opasno. Njemačka trenutno broji više od sto tisuća zaraženih i imaju 1584 preminule osobe od posljedica bolesti. No, Bavarci su krenuli s treningom, ali po posebnom režimu.

Strogo im je zabranjen kontakt, nema rukovanja i bliskih susreta, kao niti duel igre i kontakta. Dakle, radi se uglavnom samo s loptom, a vježbe i trčanje rade se uz velike razmake.


Bayern Munich's German defender Bayern Munich's defender Niklas Suele attends a training session of the German first division Bundesliga team FC Bayern Munich, at the team's training area in Munich, southern Germany, on April 6, 2020., Image: 512552271, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Christof STACHE / AFP / Profimedia

Na trening su igrači ulazili jedan po jedan uz vremenske razmake između ulazaka, a trenirali su u skupinama po pet i držali distancu od najmanje metar i pol jedni od drugih.

Situaciju je komentirao i vratar Manuel Neuer. "Bio je to vrlo čudan osjećaj, trenirati u tako malim grupama, ali lijepo je bilo vidjeti opet dečke na okupu. Zahvalio bih klubu i svima koji su pomogli da se održe ovako posebni treninzi i to u ovim teškim vremenima", kazao je Neuer za klupsku stranicu.

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Bayern Munich's players attend a training session of the German first division Bundesliga team FC Bayern Munich, at the team training ground in Munich, southern Germany, on April 6, 2020. Bayern Munich's players resume training sessions in small groups amid the novel coronavirus pandemic., Image: 512558603, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Christof STACHE / AFP / Profimedia


Bayern Munich's German headcoach Hansi Flick follows a training session of the German first division Bundesliga team FC Bayern Munich, at the team's training area in Munich, southern Germany, on April 6, 2020., Image: 512551688, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Christof STACHE / AFP / Profimedia


Bayern Munich's headcoach Hansi Flick leads a training session of the German first division Bundesliga team FC Bayern Munich, at the team training ground in Munich, southern Germany, on April 6, 2020. Bayern Munich's players resume training sessions in small groups amid the novel coronavirus pandemic., Image: 512558602, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Christof STACHE / AFP / Profimedia


(L-R) Bayern Munich's Dutch striker Joshua Zirkzee, Bayern Munich's Canadian midfielder Alphonso Davies, Bayern Munich's Polish striker Robert Lewandowski and Bayern Munich's French defender Kingsley Coman attend a training session at the team's training area in Munich, southern Germany, on April 6, 2020., Image: 512554496, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Christof STACHE / AFP / Profimedia

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