U posljednjoj utakmici subotnjeg programa 28. kola španjolskog nogometnog prvenstva vodeća Barcelona je sa 4-0 u gostima dobila Mallorcu, koja se bori za opstanak.
Hrvatski reprezentativac Ivan Rakitić za Barcelonu je odigrao drugo poluvrijeme, a Barca sada ima pet bodova prednosti u odnosu na Modrićev Real Madrid, koji u nedjelju igra protiv Eibara.
Za Barcelonu strijelci su bili Arturo Vidal (2), Martin Braithwaite (37), Jordi Alba (79) i Leo Messi (90+3). Uz pogodak, Messi je dodao i dvije asistencije, za prvi i treći gol.

Arturo Vidal First game of Mallorca CF after the Covid19 crisis at the Son Moix stadium in Mallorca, Spain on June 13, 2020 against FC Barcelona, on day 28 of the Spanish soccer league.,Image: 531276318, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: *** World Rights Except France, Germany and Spain ***, Model Release: no
Incident s navijačem
Utakmicu je također obilježio i pomalo bizaran incident. Naime, susret se igrao pred praznim tribinama zbog mjera borbe protiv pandemije koronavirusa, ali svejedno se jedan navijač uspio ušuljati na stadion i štoviše još je i uletio na teren.
Upao je na travnjak usred utakmice odjeven u argentinski dres Lionela Messija. Igrači su se dosta neugodno iznenadili, ali situaciju su brzo riješili zaštitari koji su izveli, tada već uplakanog, navijača van.

A security guard (R) tries to catch a pitch invader during the Spanish League football match between RCD Mallorca and FC Barcelona at the Visit Mallorca stadium (Son Moix stadium) in Palma de Mallorca on June 13, 2020.,Image: 531252420, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no

A pitch invader (C) is removed from the pitch during the Spanish League football match between RCD Mallorca and FC Barcelona at the Visit Mallorca stadium (Son Moix stadium) in Palma de Mallorca on June 13, 2020.,Image: 531251731, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no

June 13, 2020, Palma De Mallorca, ISLAS BALEARES, SPAIN: A fan with the Argentina shirt of Leo Messi jumps to the field and is taken out by the Security of the stadium during the spanish league, LaLiga, football match played between RCD Mallorca and FC Barcelona at Son Moix Stadium in the restart of the Primera Division tournament after to the coronavirus COVID19 pandemic on June 13, 2020 in Palma de Mallorca, Spain.,Image: 531256235, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no