Po prvi put nakon što im je preminuo kapetan Davide Astori Fiorentina je odigrala prvenstvenu utakmicu. U Fiorenzi su srušili Benvento golom Hugoa, međutim pobjeda je ostala u sjeni velike tragedija.
"Dat ću sve od sebe kako bi njegov duh ostao ne samo živ, nego bio uvijek uz nas koji smo bili bliski s njime”, rekao je Badelj Mediaset Premimumu. “Pokušat ćemo dati sve što je on uvijek davao – naporan rad, duh i odlučnost – to ću pokušati prenijeti na momčad. On nas je uvijek držao zajedno i pomogao relativno novoj i mladoj momčadi da zajedno raste”, izjavio je hrvatski reprezentativac uoči utakmice.
Na samom kraju utakmice igrači su bili shrvani. Novi kapetan Milan Badelj nije mogao izdržati pa ga je osim igrača tješio i glavni sudac utakmice.
I na ostalim terenima bilo je dosta emotivno. Fotografija uplakanog Ginluigija Buffona obišla je svijet.

Fiorentina's midfielder and new captain Milan Badelj (C) reacts as referee Fabrizio Pasqua and Fiorentina's defender Vincent Laurini (R) comfort him, on March 11, 2018 at the end of the Italian Serie A football match Fiorentina vs Benevento at the Artemio Franchi stadium in Florence. Fiorentina's captain Davide Astori likely died on March 4, 2018 in his hotel room from a cardiac arrest linked to the slowing of his heart rate following the initial results of his autopsy. / AFP PHOTO / Claudio Giovannini

Fiorentina's midfielder and new captain Milan Badelj (bottom) reacts as referee Fabrizio Pasqua and Fiorentina's defender Vincent Laurini (R) comfort him, on March 11, 2018 at the end of the Italian Serie A football match Fiorentina vs Benevento at the Artemio Franchi stadium in Florence. Fiorentina's captain Davide Astori likely died on March 4, 2018 in his hotel room from a cardiac arrest linked to the slowing of his heart rate following the initial results of his autopsy. / AFP PHOTO / Claudio Giovannini

Fiorentina's midfielder and new captain Milan Badelj (bottom) reacts as referee Fabrizio Pasqua and Fiorentina's defender Vincent Laurini (2ndR) comfort him, on March 11, 2018 at the end of the Italian Serie A football match Fiorentina vs Benevento at the Artemio Franchi stadium in Florence. Fiorentina's captain Davide Astori likely died on March 4, 2018 in his hotel room from a cardiac arrest linked to the slowing of his heart rate following the initial results of his autopsy. / AFP PHOTO / Claudio Giovannini