GRONINGEN, THE NETHERLANDS: Edson at 30. THIS MAN is constantly mistaken for being more than HALF HIS AGE thanks to his youthful looks ? but can you guess how old he is? Influencer, personal coach, and writer, Edson Brandao (53) who lives in Groningen, The Netherlands, has been blessed with good genetics and a naturally very young appearance. It is thanks to this that people regularly assume that he is just 25 years old ? almost two decades younger than he is. Edson has always been a confident man and at 53, says he has more energy than ever before in his life - and it?s all thanks to his positive mindset, exercising every day, good nutrition and skin care. He has never had plastic surgery. For Edson, his body is a temple and his youthful good looks are the result of avoiding sugar, processed and fried foods, never smoking or touching drugs, and only drinking mineral water - of which he drinks two litres of a day. A positive mindset is Edson?s secret weapon to radiating youth and he hopes that by sharing his secrets, he will be able to inspire others to change their lifestyle. Mediadrumworld / Edson Brandao,Image: 549521060, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no
ONAKO ODOKATIVNO, ŠTO MISLITE KOLIKO JE STAR? Za njegovim 'pločicama' luduju curice, a on im može biti tata


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Ovoga ljepotana neprestano zamjenjuju za dvostruko mlađega muškarca zahvaljujući njegovu njegovanom i mladenačkom izgledu.

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Možete li pogoditi koliko Edson Brandao ima godina?

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Ovaj influencer, osobni trener i pisac iz Nizozemske već je ugasio 53 svjećice na torti! Da, dobro ste pročitali - on ima pune 53 godine.

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Osim zdravoga životnog stila i predanih treninga, ovoga slamatelja ženskih srca blagoslovila je i odlična genetika i urođeni 'baby face', zbog čega mu se godine jednostavno ne 'lijepe' kao njegovim prosječnim vršnjacima.

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