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Liječnici su također zaključili kako je u to grozno stanje upala zahvaljujući tihom ubojici modernog vremena - stresu

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Danielle Ferguson (29), nutricionistica iz Kalifornije, jednog je jutra otkrila kako joj je polovica lice kompletno paralizirana. Prije nego što joj se pola lica ukočilo mlada je žena imala simptome prehlade te se osjećala umorno i letargično. Nikakvih drugih simptoma nije bilo. Ferguson je znala da nešto ne valja kada je shvatila da joj je jezik utrnut i da je vilica strašno boli, kao da ju je netko udario, prenosi Daily Mail.

Probudila se bez osjeta u lijevom dijelu lica. Roditelji su je odvezli u bolnicu gdje joj je dijagnosticirana Bell's paraliza. Liječnici su joj prepisali oralne steroide i antiviralne lijekove.

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Foto: Profimedia

Danielle pictured in front of art. THIS WOMAN woke up one morning with a half-paralysed face and was told it was down to STRESS. Nutritionist, Danielle Ferguson (29) from California, USA, began experiencing cold-like symptoms; she was very tired and lethargic but had no fever, body chills or cough. Her tongue started to feel numb and her jaw was in a lot of pain like someone had punched her. The next morning, in August 2019, she woke up to her entire right side of her face paralysed which her nurse had warned her about the day before. Her parents drove her to the emergency room; the doctor diagnosed her with Bell?s palsy and prescribed her with an oral steroid and antivirals. The doctor attributed her condition to stress and said that there was nothing she could do which Danielle didn?t believe. She tried different alternative treatments like IV therapy, acupuncture, hyperbaric oxygen therapy and craniosacral massage. She felt the acupuncture and craniosacral massage therapies worked for her and got her through the process of recovery. Having half of her face paralysed caused her to shy away from strangers but finding a connection with other Instagram users who had been through a similar thing, made her more confident to embrace her journey. With over 12,000 followers on Instagram, she is now able to share her own personal journey to raise awareness of Bell?s palsy. / Danielle Ferguson, Image: 490343924, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: / Danielle Fe / Media Drum World / Profimedia

Za sve je kriv stres

Liječnici su također zaključili kako je u to grozno stanje upala zahvaljujući tihom ubojici modernog vremena - stresu. Ženi je i dalje paralizirana polovica lica.

Bolest je to koja pogađa oko 40 tisuća Amerikanaca godišnje, a događa se kada se živac u licu upali. Točan razlog još uvijek nije poznat, no zna se da stres igra veliku ulogu u oslabljivanju imuniteta, što doprinosi upali živaca.

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Upaljeni živac može interferirati sa signalima koje mozak šalje u mišiće lica te tako uzrokovati djelomičnu paralizu.

"Tjedan dana prije osjećala sam se kao da sam prehlađena. Te subote osjećala sam simptome, no tada još nisam znala o čemu se radi. Ubrzo mi je utrnuo jezik, a vilica me počela jako boljeti, kao da me netko udario u lice, kao da sam cijelu noć škrgutala zubima. Uz to, moj osmijeh je bio pomalo čudan, no u tom trenutku se to još nije toliko primjećivalo.

Foto: Profimedia

Danielle described the pain as like being ?punched in the face?. THIS WOMAN woke up one morning with a half-paralysed face and was told it was down to STRESS. Nutritionist, Danielle Ferguson (29) from California, USA, began experiencing cold-like symptoms; she was very tired and lethargic but had no fever, body chills or cough. Her tongue started to feel numb and her jaw was in a lot of pain like someone had punched her. The next morning, in August 2019, she woke up to her entire right side of her face paralysed which her nurse had warned her about the day before. Her parents drove her to the emergency room; the doctor diagnosed her with Bell?s palsy and prescribed her with an oral steroid and antivirals. The doctor attributed her condition to stress and said that there was nothing she could do which Danielle didn?t believe. She tried different alternative treatments like IV therapy, acupuncture, hyperbaric oxygen therapy and craniosacral massage. She felt the acupuncture and craniosacral massage therapies worked for her and got her through the process of recovery. Having half of her face paralysed caused her to shy away from strangers but finding a connection with other Instagram users who had been through a similar thing, made her more confident to embrace her journey. With over 12,000 followers on Instagram, she is now able to share her own personal journey to raise awareness of Bell?s palsy. / Danielle Ferguson, Image: 490343921, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: / Danielle Fe / Media Drum World / Profimedia

Ovo se događa češće nego što mislite

U nedjelju sam se probudila s paraliziranim licem. Bila sam šokirala i prestravljena", ispričala je 29-godišnjakinja koja se u početku teško nosila sa situacijom, no sada se koristi društvenim mrežama kako bi kontaktirala ostale koji pate od ovog problema. Na Instagramu je sakupla više od 12 tisuća sljedbenika te s njima dijeli svoje iskustvo.

"U početku me bilo sram biti u blizini ljudi, no kad sam počela dijeliti svoju priču, shvatila sam da ima još dosta ljudi koji imaju iskustva s ovime. I dalje ponekad krijem svoj osmjeh", ispričala je Ferguson.

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Foto: Profimedia

Danielle pictured showing her smile after Bell?s palsy. THIS WOMAN woke up one morning with a half-paralysed face and was told it was down to STRESS. Nutritionist, Danielle Ferguson (29) from California, USA, began experiencing cold-like symptoms; she was very tired and lethargic but had no fever, body chills or cough. Her tongue started to feel numb and her jaw was in a lot of pain like someone had punched her. The next morning, in August 2019, she woke up to her entire right side of her face paralysed which her nurse had warned her about the day before. Her parents drove her to the emergency room; the doctor diagnosed her with Bell?s palsy and prescribed her with an oral steroid and antivirals. The doctor attributed her condition to stress and said that there was nothing she could do which Danielle didn?t believe. She tried different alternative treatments like IV therapy, acupuncture, hyperbaric oxygen therapy and craniosacral massage. She felt the acupuncture and craniosacral massage therapies worked for her and got her through the process of recovery. Having half of her face paralysed caused her to shy away from strangers but finding a connection with other Instagram users who had been through a similar thing, made her more confident to embrace her journey. With over 12,000 followers on Instagram, she is now able to share her own personal journey to raise awareness of Bell?s palsy. / Danielle Ferguson, Image: 490343930, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: / Danielle Fe / Media Drum World / Profimedia

Liječnici su joj kazali kako je uzrok paralize stres, ali i da će s vremenom moći vratiti snagu u mišiće lica. Pred njom je dug put, no dijelit će ga sa zajednicom koja ju podupire u borbi za vraćanje na staro.

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