"Moji roditelji slave 30. godišnjicu braka. Odlučili su uprizoriti svoj medeni mjesec. Još se uvijek zajedno smiju. Nakon svih tih godina"
My parents celebrate their 30th anniversary tomorrow. They decided to reinvent their honeymoon today. Still laughing together after all these years. from r/pics
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
17 godina kasnije Dodger je na putu da nadživi cijelu obitelj
17 years later, Dodger the doxie is on his way to outlive the whole family. from r/aww
Na 30. godišnjicu braka razrezali su svadbenu tortu koju su od dana kad su se vjenčali držali u zamrzivaču.
My parents cut their wedding cake today, on their 30th anniversary, after keeping it in the family freezer since they were married ! from r/pics
"Imala sam sreće udati se za srednjoškolsku ljubav. Nakon osam dugih godina blagoslovljena sam time da sam njegova žena"
On October 6th, 2018 I was lucky enough to marry my high school sweetheart. After 8 long years, I am so blessed to be his wife! from r/wedding
Davanje ljubavi i primanje ljubavi
Give love, get love from r/aww
Susret nakon 20 godina
Friend visiting her family in Japan, 20 year difference. from r/PastAndPresentPics
I dalje čudne i dalje najbolje prijateljice. Samo malo slađe :)
Still weird. Still best friends. Just got a little cuter. from r/uglyduckling
U San Franciscu tijekom medenog mjeseca 1982. i 32 godine kasnije
My parents passed through San Francisco on their honeymoon in 1982. I live here now, and they visited for Thanksgiving this year, so we decided to re-create this photo 32 years later.
"Sestrična i ja tijekom mog posjeta Kubi. 1997. i 2017."
My cousin and I during my recent trip to Cuba. 1997-2017 from r/PastAndPresentPics
Baka i djed. Onda i sad.
my grandparents. then and now from r/pics
"Prijatelj i ja glumimo u srednjoškolskoj predstavi i 45 godina kasnije. I dalje glumimo"
My friend and I acting on stage in high school. 45 Years later, we're still acting out! from r/PastAndPresentPics
Molly i njezin djed. Onda i sad.
Molly and her Grandpa, then and now from r/PastAndPresentPics
"mOj mlađi brat, njegov pas i ja. 11 godina kasnije"
Re-took this picture on NYE with my little brother and his dog, 11 years later
Onda i sada. Od 1996. do 2013.
Then and now. 1996 to 2013 from r/aww
Obitelj je dala obojati fotografiju bake i djeda kako bi im to bio poklon za Božić. Vjenčali su se davne 1953. godine
Colorized my grandparents' 1953 wedding photo for Christmas, they've been together 65 years! from r/OldSchoolCool
13 godina i još smo uvijek najbolji prijatelji
13 years and we're still best friends. from r/PastAndPresentPics
U noći vjenčanja i 60 godina kasnije
My grandparents on their wedding night, and 60 years later from r/pics
15 godina kasnije, moj prijatelj i ja smo još uvijek zajedno
15 years later, me and my friend are still together
"Moja baka u svojoj vjenčanici na 60. godišnjicu braka s mojim djedom. Oni su primjer prave ljubavi i vjernosti"
My Grandmother wearing her original wedding dress on her 60th anniversary with my Grandfather. They are a testament to true love and commitment. from r/pics
"Samo ja i moja mačka... 17 godina kasnije"
Just me and my cat... 17 years later from r/pics
Djevojčica sa cvijećem i dječak s prstenjem na jednom vjenčanju. 20 godina kasnije i sami su se vjenčali.
Flower Girl and Ring Bearer from Wedding Get Married 20 Years Later from r/pics
15 godina kasnije, još uvijek najbolji prijatelji
Fifteen years later, still best friends. from r/aww