Posebno je vezan za nju od kada je trudna
My pit has been extremely affectionate with my sister ever since she got pregnant. from r/aww
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Maca joj se divi
My cat admiring my pregnant wife from r/cats
Maca više voli nju nego njega
Ever since my wife got pregnant, Copernicus tends to favor her more
Maca je konačno prihvatila da je trudna
My cat finally accepts that I'm pregnant.
Ne želi se odvojiti od trudnice
I’m 8 months pregnant and he won’t leave my side. from r/aww
Mačka se nije htjela maziti dok nije ostala trudna
My cat wouldn’t cuddle before I became pregnant... from r/aww
Od kada je trudna ne prestaje gledati u nju
I'm pregnant and my dog won't stop staring at me. from r/aww
Štene voli trudnički trbuščić
The pup loves the baby bump!
Maca zna da je trudna i tako svaki dan
These cats must somehow know my wife is pregnant- every day.... like a magnet.
Znao je da je trudna prije drugih ljudi
I think Cletus knew I was pregnant before anyone else! from r/cats
Pomaže kod jutarnjih mučnina
Pregnant gf is having a rough morning. The dog thinks this helps.
Ne odvaja se od nje od kada je trudna
My cat used to be aloof. Now that I'm pregnant she has become obsessed with me. I'm enjoying every minute. from r/aww
Sigurno zna da je trudna
I have no doubt in my mind my dog knows I'm pregnant.