Jedno jutro probudila se s utrnulom rukom, ali rekli su joj da nije ništa ozbiljno. Nakon par sati uslijedio je horor...

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Soniji je nakon niza pretraga dijagnosticiran transverzalni mijelitis, rijetki neurološki poremećaj koji ju je prikovao uz kolica

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Kad se dizajnerica i bivša manekenka Sonia Vera jedno jutro u lipnju 2017. probudila s utrnulom rukom nije ni slutila da je to početak njezine noćne more. Misleći da je doživjela srčani udar, ova 46-godišnja žena iz Venezuele odmah je otišla u bolnicu gdje su joj rekli da je to posljedica anksioznosti i da se vrati kući i odspava. Iako se nije mogla riješiti osjećaja da je posrijedi nešto ozbiljnije, poslušala je liječnike.

Foto: Profimedia

LONDON, UK: Sonia, pictured modelling. EX-MODEL thought she was having a HEART ATTACK when she woke up with a dead arm but doctors brushed it off as ANXIETY and sent her home - five hours later she woke up PARALYSED. When designer, Sonia Vera (46) who is originally from Margarita Island, Venezuela but has lived in London, UK, since 2016, woke up with a dead arm in June 2017, she went to hospital fearing she was having a heart attack. Medical staff told her that she was just suffering from anxiety, to go home and have a nap. Deep down, Sonia felt that something wasn?t quite right, but followed the medical advice and five hours later, she woke up paralysed from the chest down. Remarkably Sonia never panicked when she woke up and found she was paralysed, and she trusted that it would pass or that doctors would be able to treat her and make her better. At hospital, she underwent a series of tests, including two spinal taps, before being diagnosed with transverse myelitis, a rare neurological condition affecting the central nervous system that causes inflammation of the spinal cord. Sonia spent six months in hospital where she was initially given steroids to reduce the inflammation followed by three IVIG transfusions alongside intense physiotherapy. Sonia, who used to be a model and TV personality before starting her own swimwear brand, has been told that there is no cure for her condition and that she may not be able to walk again but she remains positive and is determined to walk on dry land again. Sonia walks in a hydro pool daily, and she?s always aware of new developments in the treatment of transverse myelitis. After seeing medical trials for an epidural stimulator in Kentucky, USA, which has proven successful in reversing some paralysis, Sonia has set up a Go Fund Me page so that she can fly to The States and have the revolutionary treatment which is her only hope of walking again. Mediadrumworld / @gavinoneillphoto, Image: 499050622, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: FBMD2300096f01000026b90000e9360500b4050a0049230c0038870c00c8fa0d00f55f0e00f4c10e00c29c1000, Model Release: no, Credit line: Mediadrumworld / @gavinoneillpho / Media Drum World / Profimedia

Teška dijagnoza

Pravi horor je uslijedio kad se nakon pet sati probudila paralizirana od prsa prema dolje. Ipak, nije paničarila jer je vjerovala da je riječ o prolaznom stanju i da će joj liječnici otkloniti tegobe. U bolnici su je poslali na cijeli niz pretraga, uključujući i dvije punkcije leđne moždine i na kraju joj dijagnosticirali transverzalni mijelitis, rijetki neurološki poremećaj koji pogađa središnji živčani sustav i uzrokuje upalu leđne moždine.

Foto: Profimedia

LONDON, UK: Sonia had a photo shoot done whilst she was in hospital as she was determined not to lose herself. EX-MODEL thought she was having a HEART ATTACK when she woke up with a dead arm but doctors brushed it off as ANXIETY and sent her home - five hours later she woke up PARALYSED. When designer, Sonia Vera (46) who is originally from Margarita Island, Venezuela but has lived in London, UK, since 2016, woke up with a dead arm in June 2017, she went to hospital fearing she was having a heart attack. Medical staff told her that she was just suffering from anxiety, to go home and have a nap. Deep down, Sonia felt that something wasn?t quite right, but followed the medical advice and five hours later, she woke up paralysed from the chest down. Remarkably Sonia never panicked when she woke up and found she was paralysed, and she trusted that it would pass or that doctors would be able to treat her and make her better. At hospital, she underwent a series of tests, including two spinal taps, before being diagnosed with transverse myelitis, a rare neurological condition affecting the central nervous system that causes inflammation of the spinal cord. Sonia spent six months in hospital where she was initially given steroids to reduce the inflammation followed by three IVIG transfusions alongside intense physiotherapy. Sonia, who used to be a model and TV personality before starting her own swimwear brand, has been told that there is no cure for her condition and that she may not be able to walk again but she remains positive and is determined to walk on dry land again. Sonia walks in a hydro pool daily, and she?s always aware of new developments in the treatment of transverse myelitis. After seeing medical trials for an epidural stimulator in Kentucky, USA, which has proven successful in reversing some paralysis, Sonia has set up a Go Fund Me page so that she can fly to The States and have the revolutionary treatment which is her only hope of walking again. Mediadrumwo, Image: 499051497, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Mediadrumworld / @gatescharlie / Media Drum World / Profimedia

Terapija u Americi

Sonia je u bolnici provela šest mjeseci gdje su joj u početku davali steroide kako bi smanjili upalu. Primila je i tri IVIG transfuzije te odlazila na fizioterapiju. Rekli su joj da za njezino stanje nema lijeka i da možda više neće moći hodati. Unatoč crnoj prognozi, Sonia je zadržala pozitivan stav i uvjerena je da će ponovno stati na noge. Zasad hodanje svakodnevno vježba u bazenu i prati sve novosti vezane za nove načine tretiranja svoje bolesti. Nakon što je prošla klinička ispitivanja za epiduralni stimulator u Kentuckyju, koji se pokazao uspješan u liječenju paralize, Sonia je pokrenula stranicu za prikupljanje novčane pomoći kako bi mogla platiti letove u Ameriku na revolucionarnu terapiju koja joj je jedina nada da će ponovno prohodati.

Foto: Profimedia

LONDON, UK: Sonia in hospital. EX-MODEL thought she was having a HEART ATTACK when she woke up with a dead arm but doctors brushed it off as ANXIETY and sent her home - five hours later she woke up PARALYSED. When designer, Sonia Vera (46) who is originally from Margarita Island, Venezuela but has lived in London, UK, since 2016, woke up with a dead arm in June 2017, she went to hospital fearing she was having a heart attack. Medical staff told her that she was just suffering from anxiety, to go home and have a nap. Deep down, Sonia felt that something wasn?t quite right, but followed the medical advice and five hours later, she woke up paralysed from the chest down. Remarkably Sonia never panicked when she woke up and found she was paralysed, and she trusted that it would pass or that doctors would be able to treat her and make her better. At hospital, she underwent a series of tests, including two spinal taps, before being diagnosed with transverse myelitis, a rare neurological condition affecting the central nervous system that causes inflammation of the spinal cord. Sonia spent six months in hospital where she was initially given steroids to reduce the inflammation followed by three IVIG transfusions alongside intense physiotherapy. Sonia, who used to be a model and TV personality before starting her own swimwear brand, has been told that there is no cure for her condition and that she may not be able to walk again but she remains positive and is determined to walk on dry land again. Sonia walks in a hydro pool daily, and she?s always aware of new developments in the treatment of transverse myelitis. After seeing medical trials for an epidural stimulator in Kentucky, USA, which has proven successful in reversing some paralysis, Sonia has set up a Go Fund Me page so that she can fly to The States and have the revolutionary treatment which is her only hope of walking again. Mediadrumworld / Sonia Vera, Image: 499050633, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Mediadrumworld / Sonia Vera / Media Drum World / Profimedia

Foto: Profimedia

LONDON, UK: Sonia has been adapting to life in a wheelchair but she is determined to get out of it. EX-MODEL thought she was having a HEART ATTACK when she woke up with a dead arm but doctors brushed it off as ANXIETY and sent her home - five hours later she woke up PARALYSED. When designer, Sonia Vera (46) who is originally from Margarita Island, Venezuela but has lived in London, UK, since 2016, woke up with a dead arm in June 2017, she went to hospital fearing she was having a heart attack. Medical staff told her that she was just suffering from anxiety, to go home and have a nap. Deep down, Sonia felt that something wasn?t quite right, but followed the medical advice and five hours later, she woke up paralysed from the chest down. Remarkably Sonia never panicked when she woke up and found she was paralysed, and she trusted that it would pass or that doctors would be able to treat her and make her better. At hospital, she underwent a series of tests, including two spinal taps, before being diagnosed with transverse myelitis, a rare neurological condition affecting the central nervous system that causes inflammation of the spinal cord. Sonia spent six months in hospital where she was initially given steroids to reduce the inflammation followed by three IVIG transfusions alongside intense physiotherapy. Sonia, who used to be a model and TV personality before starting her own swimwear brand, has been told that there is no cure for her condition and that she may not be able to walk again but she remains positive and is determined to walk on dry land again. Sonia walks in a hydro pool daily, and she?s always aware of new developments in the treatment of transverse myelitis. After seeing medical trials for an epidural stimulator in Kentucky, USA, which has proven successful in reversing some paralysis, Sonia has set up a Go Fund Me page so that she can fly to The States and have the revolutionary treatment which is her only hope of walking again. Mediadrumworld / Sonia, Image: 499051524, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Mediadrumworld / Sonia Vera / Media Drum World / Profimedia

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Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa