Mačići su slađi od kivija
Little floof
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Klasičan slučaj osobe koja nije tip za mačke, kada upozna mačića:)
A classic case of "boyfriend was not a cat person". This was his first day with a cat from r/cats
Ovo je Sushi. Njezina sestra uginula je prošli tjedan, a vlasnica joj svaki dan pušta snimku na kojoj se maca vidi. Sushi pritom prede.
This is Sushi. His sister passed last week so I play this video of her every day while he purrs intensely. from r/cats
Maca među trešnjama
I was picking cherries and caught this gem from r/cats
Tajna družina
Najljepše je spavati u zagrljaju
Got a second cat to keep the first one company while we were gone. This is the result... from r/cats
Rasplesani mačić
Za nju je dijamant mala maca
One of 8 Kittens that live in our barn! from r/aww
Netko treba naučiti kako se koristi zdjela za hranu
my friend's kitten doesn't know how to bowl yet
Klempo mali
Today it was 90 degrees outside so I let some of the friendly stray cats inside to cool off. I think this little guy was really enjoying it! from r/aww
Ja ću prvi jesti!