Tko ih ne bi volio! /

Mačke su neodoljive. Ako još uvijek mislite da ste imuni na njihov šarm, pogledajte ove fotke

Foto: shaneamaya/reddit

Mačke ili volite ili ne volite. Ustvari, ne volite ih dok ih nemate. No, ako se igrom slučaja dogodi pa mačka useli u vaš dom - gotovi ste. Ne postoji način da odolite njihvom šarmu. Kad jednom prijeđu vaš prag, kuhani ste i pečeni. Kliknite SLJEDEĆA i pogledajte s kim imate posla

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U sigurnom naručju :)

    Safe in the arms of her protector. from r/aww
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa

Prijatelj kada ga najviše trebate


Zna se čiji je krevet

    He wouldn’t move while I made the bed, so he got involuntarily tucked in from r/cats


    What happened, i cant believe from r/cats

"Mmmmmm kako ovo godi..."

    Did we need a fourth cat? No, probably not, but LOOK AT HIM!

Život izvan okvira

    I discovered this interesting new species of fish... from r/cats

Spašeni :)

    Rescued ferals, now safe and loved. <3 from r/cats

Modni dodatak

    When dinner fights back... from r/cats

Kad mačka stigne poštom

    When your cat arrives in the mail from r/cats

Umjesto vrabaca

    Halloween harvest. from r/cats

Mačka u čvoru

    Is there an instruction for unknotting your cat. from r/cats

Čista uživancija

    Säby is living his best winter life in northern Finland from r/cats

Kad umor svlada

    Lemme take a Nap! from r/cats

Mačka na prodaju, originalno pakiranje

    Too cute to not reshare. If I fits, I sits. from r/cats

Ne znaju što bi prije

    They want breakfast, but also don't want to get off me (the provider of breakfast). That's a brain breaking conundrum for front derp (Ollie) � from r/cats

Evo kako rastopiti ljudsko srce

    Just here to melt hearts from r/cats

Možemo se malo maziti?

    My foster kitty is always giving me this look of puss from Shrek from r/cats

Jeste li vidjeli išta slađe?

    Falling asleep on my com from r/cats
Gledaj odmah bez reklama
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