Preminuo je Richard Herd koji je u seriji "Seinfeld" utjelovio legendarnog gospodina Wilhelma, potvrdio je njegov predstavnik za strane medije. Glumac je umro u dobi od 87 godina. Preminuo je od posljedica raka u utorak ujutro u svojoj kući u Los Angelesu. Bio je okružen svojom obitelji.

Los Angeles, CA - Richard Herd, best known for his role on "Seinfeld," has died. He was 87. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Herd's wife of 40 years, actress Patricia Crowder Herd, said that Herd died from cancer-related causes at his home in Los Angeles on Tuesday. Herd played Mr. Wilhelm on the iconic NBC comedy series. The character was the supervisor to George Costanza (Jason Alexander) while he worked for the New York Yankees
BACKGRID USA 26 MAY 2020, Image: 522758172, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: MediaPunch / BACKGRID / Backgrid USA / Profimedia
Herd se pojavio u brojnim filmovima, među kojima su "Svi predsjednikovi ljudi" i "Kineski sindrom", a glumio je i u televizijskim serijama "Zvjezdane staze", "Dallas", "Dinastija", "Buffy, ubojica vampira" i dr. Gledali smo ga i u 11 epizoda "Seinfelda".
Iza sebe je ostavio suprugu Patriciju Crowder Herd s kojom je bio u braku 40 godina i njihovu djecu.

Los Angeles, CA - Richard Herd, best known for his role on "Seinfeld," has died. He was 87. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Herd's wife of 40 years, actress Patricia Crowder Herd, said that Herd died from cancer-related causes at his home in Los Angeles on Tuesday. Herd played Mr. Wilhelm on the iconic NBC comedy series. The character was the supervisor to George Costanza (Jason Alexander) while he worked for the New York Yankees
BACKGRID USA 26 MAY 2020, Image: 522758151, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: MediaPunch / BACKGRID / Backgrid USA / Profimedia