Sin princa Harryja i vojvotkinje Meghan Markle jedina je osoba na svijetu koja ima pravo postati i monarh i američki predsjednik, piše Daily Mail. Naime, ta je kraljevska beba automatski postala britanski državljanin, na osnovu Harryjeva državljanstva, kao i zbog toga što je rođena u Velikoj Britaniji. Pod pretpostavkom da Meghan nije odustala od svog američkog državljanstva kad se udala za princa, dijete će dobiti i američko državljanstvo.

** RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN NETHERLANDS ** Windsor, UNITED KINGDOM - Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex was safely delivered of a son at 0526hrs. The Duchess went into labour in the early hours of this morning. The baby weighs 7lbs 3oz. In the beginning of April the news came out that Prince Harry and Meghan will welcome their baby on their private grounds of Windsor Castle. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are very grateful for the goodwill they have received from people throughout the United Kingdom and around the world. **FILE PHOTOS**
Pictured: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, Duke and Duchess of Sussex
*UK Clients - Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*, Image: 431250443, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Backgrid USA
Drugim riječima, sin vojvode i vojvotkinje od Sussexa bi se jednog dana mogao kandidirati za predsjednika Sjedinjenih Američkih Država. U trenutku ulaska u utrku za predsjednika, nasljednik britanske kraljevske obitelji morat će biti stariji od 35 godina. Drugi uvjet je da na teritoriju SAD-a živi najmanje 14 godina.
Iako prinova ima male šanse da jednog dana postane monarh, s obzirom da ima još najmanje šest konkurenata, povjesničari tvrde da nije neobično da se u britanskoj povijesti red preskoči.

** RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN NETHERLANDS ** Windsor, UNITED KINGDOM - Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex was safely delivered of a son at 0526hrs. The Duchess went into labour in the early hours of this morning. The baby weighs 7lbs 3oz. In the beginning of April the news came out that Prince Harry and Meghan will welcome their baby on their private grounds of Windsor Castle. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are very grateful for the goodwill they have received from people throughout the United Kingdom and around the world. **FILE PHOTOS**
Pictured: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, Duke and Duchess of Sussex
*UK Clients - Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*, Image: 431250681, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Backgrid USA