Kultna zelena vesta Kurta Cobaina prodana na dražbi

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Uz vestu dolazi i pismo o podrijetlu predmeta koje je napisala Jacke Farry, prijateljica Kurtove udovice Courtney Love

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Kultna zelena vesta frontmena Nirvane Kurta Cobaina koju je nosio na koncertu "MTV Unplugged" 1993. godine i nikada nije oprana, prodana je na dražbi u New Yorku u subotu za 334.000 dolara.

Prodavač, Garrett Kletjian, kupio ju je prije četiri godine za 137.500 dolara.

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Pomalo vintage vesta marke Manhattan koja je u međuvremenu nestala s tržišta, nije nikada oprana a po sebi ima mrlje i tragove cigareta.


Kurt Cobain's cardigan from Nirvana's 1993 MTV Unplugged performance is on display at the Hard Rock Cafe in New York City ahead of the auction of Julien's Auctions on October 21, 2019 in New York City. A quarter century after grunge's enigmatic rhapsodist took his own life, Kurt Cobain's iconic cigarette-singed cardigan worn during Nirvana's 1993 "Unplugged" performance is up for sale. The tattered faded green button-up sweater with dark stains and a burn hole could go for at least $200,000 to $300,000, according to pre-bidding estimates from Julien's Auctions, which says rock and roll memorabilia has become a major investor's market., Image: 478216367, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: TO GO WITH AFP STORY by Maggy DONALDSON - "Cigarette-burned Kurt Cobain 'Unplugged' cardigan heading to auction", Model Release: no, Credit line: Johannes EISELE / AFP / Profimedia

Uz vestu dolazi i pismo o podrijetlu predmeta koje je napisala Jacke Farry, prijateljica Courtney Love, koja je vestu dobila upravo od Kurtove udovice nakon njegove smrti.

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Kurt Cobain izvršio je samoubojstvo 5. travnja 1994., depresivan i ovisan o heroinu.

Nije dočekao izlazak albuma "Unplugged" koji je doživio veliki uspjeh.


Ferrari Press Agency Ref 10957 Cardigan 1 10/10/2019 See Ferrari text Picture must credit: Julien’s Auctions

The green cardigan Nirvana rock icon Kurt Cobain's wore for the band’s 1993 MTV Unplugged performance is going up for auction and expected to fetch an incredible $300,000 USD.It even has a cigarette burn hole in itThe Manhattan brand sweater is a blend of acrylic, mohair and Lycra with five-button closure although one button is missing.It has two exterior pockets, a burn hole and discolouration near left pocket and discoloration on right pocket. It is now being sold by Specialist Hollywood saleroom Julien’s Auctions.Nirvana performed the Unplugged show on November 18, 1993.Cobain died from a self inflicted gunshot wound to the head on April 5 the following year.The sweater was obtained from Cobain’s close friend Jackie Farry who became personal assistant to the star and his wife Courtney Love.

OPS: Kurt Cobain's green cardigan comes with a letter of authenticity from former personal assistant Jackie Farry

Picture supplied by Ferrari, Image: 476050754, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Julien's Auctions / Ferrari / Profimedia

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