Bivšu manekenku Loni Willison, poznatiju kao suprugu zvijezde "Baywatcha" Jeremyja Jacksona, fotografi su snimili kako luta ulicama Los Angelesa s cigaretom u ruci i kolicima s robom. Loni se vidljivo postarala, jede iz kontejnera, a priznala je i da nastoji biti što prljavija kako bi izbjegla napade.

EXCLUSIVE: Loni Willison, former model and ex wife of Baywatch star Jeremy Jackson is spotted living homeless on the streets of Venice, Ca after having been missing for the last couple of years
Pictured: Loni Willison,Image: 564139666, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: -DEU, Model Release: no
S Jeremyjem je bila u braku od 2012. do 2014. godine. Razveli su se zbog njezinih problema s ovisnošću o alkoholu i drogama te burnih svađa. Loni je zatim nestala do 2018., no dvije godine prije doživjela je živčani slom te dobila otkaz u centru za plastične operacije u Los Angelesu gdje je radila kao asistentica.

EXCLUSIVE: Loni Willison, former model and ex wife of Baywatch star Jeremy Jackson is spotted living homeless on the streets of Venice, Ca after having been missing for the last couple of years
Pictured: Loni Willison,Image: 564139685, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: -DEU, Model Release: no
Ranije je za medije izjavila da je sretna i da joj ništa ne nedostaje. "Nemam mobitel. Imam hranu i mjesto za spavanje. Nabavim novac tu i tamo i ima hrane u kontejnerima i blizu dućana. Puno je toga ovdje i sve što mi treba imam. Ne želim nikoga čuti niti vidjeti, jer nitko niti ne mari za mene", poručila je.

EXCLUSIVE: Loni Willison, former model and ex wife of Baywatch star Jeremy Jackson is spotted living homeless on the streets of Venice, Ca after having been missing for the last couple of years
Pictured: Loni Willison,Image: 564139762, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: -DEU, Model Release: no

EXCLUSIVE: Loni Willison was spotted wandering Los Angeles Streets eating food from several trash cans. She appeared to be homeless and pushed a shopping cart with her belongings. 28 Sep 2018,Image: 389069838, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no