Vila ima pet spavaćih soba, dva bazena i teretanu

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Raskošno zdanje ima pet spavaćih soba, dva bazena, teretanu, pet jutara zemljišta i gleda na Tihi ocean

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Princ Harry i Meghan Markle kupili su vilu Mela Gibsona za 12 milijuna funti, odnosno više od 104 milijuna kuna, piše Daily mail. Raskošna vila u Malibuu ima pet spavaćih soba, dva bazena, teretanu, pet jutara zemljišta i gleda na Tihi ocean. Meghan i Harry počeli su se raspitivati za vilu čim su se preselili u Vancouver.


Ostali su bez stalnog izvora prihoda, a ova kriza mogla bi im potkopati sve planove


Ostali su bez stalnog izvora prihoda, a ova kriza mogla bi im potkopati sve planove

Foto: Profimedia

Malibu, CA - *EXCLUSIVE* - Aerial views of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle new Malibu home they purchased from Mel Gibson for $12M.

BACKGRID USA 12 APRIL 2020, Image: 513705178, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: BACKGRID / Backgrid USA / Profimedia

Privatnost zagarantirana

Lokalna agentica za nekretnine u Los Angelesu, Andrea Pilot, prošli je tjedan na Instagramu napisala: "Velika je vijest kako princ Harry i Meghan kupuju kuću Mela Gibsona". Objavu je u međuvremenu izbrisala. Iz tvrtke koja prodaje nekretninu nisu potvrdili da je par kupio kuću slavnog redatelja. Međutim, izvor je za strane medije rekao da je vila prodana. "Jako je lijepa kuća pa su možda samo otišli pogledati i kupili je. Tamo imaju potpuno privatnost, a na tržištu nema ničeg sličnog", izjavio je izvor.


EXCLUSIVE: This is Mad Max star Mel Gibsons £12million California mansion Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are reportedly linked to sale of. The Malibu Mansion which Mel purchased in 2008 from X files star David Duchovny. 11 Apr 2020 The Malibu Mansion which Mel purchased in 2008 from X files star David Duchovny., Image: 513669436, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: MEGA / The Mega Agency / Profimedia

Nakon što su u siječnju najavili da odstupaju s kraljevskih dužnosti, Meghan i Harry preselili su se u Vancouver. Službeno su odstupili krajem ožujka i zatim se preselili u Los Angeles. Mnogi tvrde da je razlog preseljenja Meghanina želja da se vrati glumi. "Uvijek je željela ovakvu slavu, a ne vjerujem da je Harryja bilo teško nagovoriti. Nije se previše pretrgnuo kada je odluka pala na selidbu u Los Angeles", rekao je izvor za strane medije te dodao da je i sam Harry fasciniran filmskim zvijezdama.


EXCLUSIVE: This is Mad Max star Mel Gibsons £12million California mansion Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are reportedly linked to sale of. The Malibu Mansion which Mel purchased in 2008 from X files star David Duchovny. 11 Apr 2020 The Malibu Mansion which Mel purchased in 2008 from X files star David Duchovny., Image: 513669458, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: MEGA / The Mega Agency / Profimedia


EXCLUSIVE: This is Mad Max star Mel Gibsons £12million California mansion Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are reportedly linked to sale of. The Malibu Mansion which Mel purchased in 2008 from X files star David Duchovny. 11 Apr 2020 The Malibu Mansion which Mel purchased in 2008 from X files star David Duchovny., Image: 513669428, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: MEGA / The Mega Agency / Profimedia


EXCLUSIVE: This is Mad Max star Mel Gibsons £12million California mansion Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are reportedly linked to sale of. The Malibu Mansion which Mel purchased in 2008 from X files star David Duchovny. 11 Apr 2020 The Malibu Mansion which Mel purchased in 2008 from X files star David Duchovny., Image: 513669470, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: MEGA / The Mega Agency / Profimedia


EXCLUSIVE: This is Mad Max star Mel Gibsons £12million California mansion Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are reportedly linked to sale of. The Malibu Mansion which Mel purchased in 2008 from X files star David Duchovny. 11 Apr 2020 The Malibu Mansion which Mel purchased in 2008 from X files star David Duchovny., Image: 513669501, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: MEGA / The Mega Agency / Profimedia


EXCLUSIVE: This is Mad Max star Mel Gibsons £12million California mansion Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are reportedly linked to sale of. The Malibu Mansion which Mel purchased in 2008 from X files star David Duchovny. 11 Apr 2020 The Malibu Mansion which Mel purchased in 2008 from X files star David Duchovny., Image: 513669498, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: MEGA / The Mega Agency / Profimedia


EXCLUSIVE: This is Mad Max star Mel Gibsons £12million California mansion Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are reportedly linked to sale of. The Malibu Mansion which Mel purchased in 2008 from X files star David Duchovny. 11 Apr 2020 The Malibu Mansion which Mel purchased in 2008 from X files star David Duchovny., Image: 513669499, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: MEGA / The Mega Agency / Profimedia

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