Sve su glasnija šuškanja da su se manekenka Cara Delevingne i njezina djevojka Ashley Benson, zvijezda serije "Slatke male lažljivice", zaručile nakon što su javno priznale da su u vezi. Ovih dana viđene su na ulicama Saint-Tropeza na jugu Francuske, a nikome nije promaklo prstenje na njihovim rukama. Korisnici društvenih mreža odmah su pokrenuli glasine da su se djevojke zaručile tijekom boravka u Francuskoj. Prošlog ljeta Cara i Ashley ljubile su se na aerodromu Heathrow u Londonu.

Cara Delevingne and Ashley Benson strolling in St Tropez France on july 8 , 2019, Image: 455933032, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, KCS Presse
Mjesecima se nagađalo da su njih dvije u vezi jer su se držale za ruke tijekom izlaska u New Yorku. Osim toga, Ashley često nosi ogrlicu s privjeskom u obliku slova "C". Cara je javno progovorila o ljubavnoj vezi s Ashley na dodjeli nagrade na Trevor New York Gala u New Yorku. "Ona mi je pokazala što je prava ljubav i kako da ju prihvatim, što je bilo teže nego što sam mislila. Volim te, Sprinkles", rekla je povodom njihove prve godišnjice veze.
Glasine o zarukama nisu komentirale.

EXCLUSIVE: **PREMIUM EXCLUSIVE RATES** The pair were spotted leaving Lucky Strike, a small bar/ restaurant in Soho with a few pals. Cara and Ashley emerged holding hands at 2am after enjoying dinner and drinks inside. They walked down the street to the Soho Grand Hotel. As they walked holding each other's hands, they giggled before leaning in for a quick kiss. They trailed behind their friends, looking in Love. They partied at the Hotel lounge until 4am. They could be seen waiting for their car inside the hotel, but they opted to try and make a quick getaway in a decoy car. They ran out the back door of the hotel and got into a black SUV together before going back to Ashley's apartment for the night., Image: 372195535, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: -ALLCOUNTRY,-atl,-atl2,-StpFmP, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Splash - aktivní

West Hollywood, CA - *EXCLUSIVE* - Ashley Benson and Cara Delevingne are spotted out for a spa day with a friend at Lunchbox Wax. The pair who are rumored to be dating stopped to grab a couple of iced coffees after their wax session.
Pictured: Ashley Benson, Cara Delevingne
*UK Clients - Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*, Image: 381520006, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Backgrid USA