Bradleyja Coopera i Irinu Shayk fotografi su snimili u šetnji ulicama New Yorka. Na licima su imali zaštitne maske, a Bradley je na rukama nosio njihovu trogodišnju kćerkicu Leu De Seine. Te fotografije odmah su potaknule šuškanja da se bivši partneri pomirili.

EXCLUSIVE: Bradley Cooper and Irina Shayk enjoy some quality family time with their daughter in New York City. The 45-year-old A Star Is Born actor carried daughter Lea De Seine, aged three, while the 34-year-old supermodel walked alongside. The former power couple started dating in April 2015 when they attended the White House Correspondents Dinner, went official in March 2016 during a Paris Fashion Week party, welcomed Lea in March 2017 and split in June 2019. 10 Sep 2020,Image: 557295863, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no
Podsjetimo, početkom lipnja prošle godine ruska manekenka i američki glumac objavili su da prekidaju četverogodišnju vezu. Vijest o razlazu šokirala je javnost jer su ranije na dodjeli Oscara izgledali skladno. Brzo su se proširile glasine da je Irina ostavila Bradley zbog njegove navodne afere s pjevačicom Lady Gagom s kojom je glumio u filmu "Zvijezda je rođena". Međutim, pravi razlog prekida nije poznat.

EXCLUSIVE: Bradley Cooper and Irina Shayk enjoy some quality family time with their daughter in New York City. The 45-year-old A Star Is Born actor carried daughter Lea De Seine, aged three, while the 34-year-old supermodel walked alongside. The former power couple started dating in April 2015 when they attended the White House Correspondents Dinner, went official in March 2016 during a Paris Fashion Week party, welcomed Lea in March 2017 and split in June 2019. 10 Sep 2020,Image: 557295843, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no

EXCLUSIVE: Bradley Cooper and Irina Shayk enjoy some quality family time with their daughter in New York City. The 45-year-old A Star Is Born actor carried daughter Lea De Seine, aged three, while the 34-year-old supermodel walked alongside. The former power couple started dating in April 2015 when they attended the White House Correspondents Dinner, went official in March 2016 during a Paris Fashion Week party, welcomed Lea in March 2017 and split in June 2019. 10 Sep 2020,Image: 557296072, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no