Ted Mosby (Kako sam upoznao vašu majku)
"Pustimo na tren po strani što je veliko finale serije zapravo bio prilično razočaravajuće (s njim u glavnoj ulozi) i prisjetimo se samo da se radi o tipu koji je na prvom dejtu curi rekao da je voli i stalno cvilio kako 'ne može naći pravu', iako je konstantno padao na žene koje su potpuna suprotnost od onoga što je tražio. Staaaaaaaalno je cvilio. STALNO. Serija se trebala zvati 'Kako sam procvilio svoje tridesete'."

HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER, Vanessa Minnillo, Josh Radnor, ''No Tomorrow'', (Season 3, aired March 17, 2008), 2005-.,Image: 98915403, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: For usage credit please use; ©CBS/Courtesy Everett Collection, Model Release: no
Gloria Delgado Pritchet (Moderna obitelj)
"Što se Vergare tiče - preglumljavanje, glas, kreveljenje, sise non stop u prvom planu... Inače mi je Sofia stvarno zgodna žena, ali ne mogu je slušati u seriji."

MODERN FAMILY, Julie Bowen, Sofia Vergara, Ty Burrell, 'The One That Got Away', (Season 2, episode 224, aired May 25, 2011), 2009-.,Image: 96165499, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: TABLOIDS OUT; NO BOOK PUBLISHING WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL. NO ARCHIVE. NO RESALE., Model Release: no
June Osborne (Sluškinjina priča)
"U zadnjoj sezoni me iznimno počela iritirati. Preglumljavanje, iskrivljene face, neodlučnost... A nije da nisam suosjećao s njom kad je serija počela. Možda me zato sad i iritira."

Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 2017. Elisabeth Moss as June / Offred. The Handmaid's Tale (©MGM / Hulu) American TV series created by Bruce Miller based on the 1985 novel of the same name by Margaret Atwood. In a dystopian future the totalitarian fundamentalist government of Gilead rules the country amidst a civil war. Fertile women are controlled by the government and are called Handmaids. They are sent to the homes of the ruling elite to have sex with the men and bear children for them and their wives. The drama stars Elisabeth Moss, Joseph Fiennes and Yvonne Strahovski. Producers are Margaret Atwood and Elisabeth Moss.,Image: 332877138, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: Special Instructions : Supplied by Landmark Media. Editorial Only. Landmark Media is not the copyright owner of these Film or TV stills but provides a service only for recognised Media outlets., Model Release: no
Raymond Barone (Svi vole Raymonda)
'Lik je tiha jeza. Naježila sam se čim sam ga se sjetila.'

EVERYBODY LOVES RAYMOND, 1996-present. Doris Roberts, Brad Garrett, Peter Boyle, Patricia Heaton and Ray Romano .,Image: 98641347, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: For usage credit please use; Courtesy Everett Collection, Model Release: no
Arturo Roman (El Casa de Papel)
"Ima puno razloga zašto ga ja i mnogi drugi ne volimo, ali većinom jer je kukavica i uvijek će drugima govoriti što bi trebali napraviti, a on neće napraviti ništa. Isto tako, ta serija ima četiri sezone i u sve četiri je trebao umrijeti, ali nekako uvijek nađe način da preživi. Nadam se da će ga više ubiti u petoj sezoni."

Darko Peric, Úrsula Corberó, Enrique Arce, "Money Heist" Part 4 (2020) Credit: Tamara Arranz Ramos / Netflix / The Hollywood Archive,Image: 513973797, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: For Editorial Use Only, Model Release: no
Kendall Roy (Nasljeđe)
"Ambiciozan, a nedorastao voditi kompaniju koju je stvorio njegov otac. Prevrtljiv, slab, nije lojalan, radikalno prelazi iz krajnosti u krajnost i širi lošu energiju i nesigurnost."

USA. Jeremy Strong in a scene from the ©HBO TV show: Succession -season 1 (2018). Plot: The Roy family is known for controlling the biggest media and entertainment company in the world. However, their world changes when their father steps down from the company.,Image: 567714649, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: Supplied by Landmark Media. Editorial Only. Landmark Media is not the copyright owner of these Film or TV stills but provides a service only for recognised Media outlets., Model Release: no
Kramer (Seinfeld)
"Umjetan, usiljen, glumata. Neprirodan. Ponavlja se, a dosadan nakon dva uleta."

Film Still from "Seinfeld" Jerry Seinfeld, Michael Richards 1996,Image: 100882417, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: For Editorial Use - Credit Studio Only., Model Release: no
Cassie Bowden (Stjuardesa)
"Ozbiljna tema a njena gluma kao u komediji. Kao da se Kaley Cuoco iz 'Teorije velikog praska' prebacila u ovo, jako iritantna. Serija i nije loša, ali ona je sve usr***."

USA. Kaley Cuoco in the ©HBO Max TV series : The Flight Attendant (2020). Plot: A flight attendant wakes up in the wrong hotel, in the wrong bed, with a dead man - and no idea what happened. When questioned by FBI agents and still unable to piece the night together, she begins to wonder if she could be the killer. Ref: LMK106-J6823-080121 Supplied by LMKMEDIA. Editorial Only. Landmark Media is not the copyright owner of these Film or TV stills but provides a service only for recognised Media outlets. pictures@lmkmedia.com,Image: 582520760, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: Supplied by Landmark Media. Editorial Only. Landmark Media is not the copyright owner of these Film or TV stills but provides a service only for recognised Media outlets. Per la presente foto non è stata rilasciata liberatoria. Ai sensi di legge e come gi, Model Release: no
Dawson Leery (Dawson's Creek)
"Ja ne znam kako nitko ovo do sad još nije spomenuo, ali - DAWSON! Jel se vi uopće njega sjećate? Pa to je bio čisti horor. Nijedan lik mi nikada nije toliko žderao živce kao on. Kakti "dobar dečko", a zapravo teški seronja."

Film Stills from "Dawson's Creek" Episode: 'Stolen Kisses' James Van Der Beek, Katie Holmes April 26, 2000,Image: 94837124, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: For Editorial Use -, Model Release: no
Terry Jeffords (Brooklyn 99)
"Možda kontroverzno mišljenje, ali Terry je stvarno najlošiji lik u cijeloj seriji. Stalno iste fore na temu golemih mišića i kao da glumcu jednostavno nije sjeo lik. Svi ostali su odlično prirodni u svojim likovima, on često izgleda kao da se muči prenijeti emociju."

BROOKLYN NINE-NINE, Terry Crews in 'The Ebony Falcon' (Season 1, Episode 14, aired January 21, 2014),,Image: 183208190, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no