"U regiji Val Bondasca osam osoba koje su bile na licu mjesta u trenutku klizanja zasad nije pronađeno", objavila je policija kantona Graubuenden u priopćenju.
Prvotno je policija iznijela da u nesreći nije bilo ozlijeđenih.

A handout photo released on August 24, 2017 by the Police Cantonale des Grisons shows a partial view of the landslide in the Swiss village of Bondo on August 23, 2017. Eight people, including German, Austrian and Swiss citizens, are missing following a landslide that forced the evacuation of several small villages in southeastern Switzerland on August 23, police said on August 24. "In the region of Val Bondasca, eight people who were there at the time of the landslide have not been found," the Graubunden cantonal police said in a statement. / AFP PHOTO / Police Cantonale des Grisons / STRINGER / RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY CREDIT "AFP PHOTO / Police Cantonale des Grisons" - NO MARKETING NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS
Policija je pristupila evakuaciji sela Bondo u slučaju novog klizanja tla ili bujice blata. Ukupno je evakuirano stotinjak osoba.