Vidio je mačku da ovako leži pa otad i on to radi
He saw the cat do it ONE time and this happens from r/funny
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
'Koja mačka? Ne nisam je vidio'
No I haven't seen the cat! from r/funny
'Prilično sam siguran da mačka planira moje ubojstvo'
Pretty sure that my cat is plotting my murder. from r/funny
Moljac je u kuhinji!
There was a moth in our kitchen. from r/funny
Kao stvorena za Tetris
He can play Tetris from r/catsareliquid
'Ova je osoba pokušala ući u vaš telefon"
My rapscallion of a cat tried hacking into my phone; you literally can't trust ANYBODY these days! �� from r/funny
Strašno :)
My dogs face through her favorite toy from r/funny
Ima dvostruko filtriranu vodu , ali preferira ovu iz vaze ili onu u WC školjki
Has twice-filtered fresh water in a flowing fountain but prefers this or toilet water. from r/WhatsWrongWithYourCat
Stopila se s ogradom
Our sunbathing cat Tiny melting on the porch from r/catsareliquid
Our cat does this whenever she gets picked up from r/funny
Mačka i pas u susjedstvu vaki dan zure ovako jedno u drugoga
My cat and the neighbor's dog staring each other down everyday. This is their lives now... from r/funny
Sad je shvatio da nije mačka
My dog being reminded that she's not a cat. from r/funny
Prvi susret sa snijegom
Seeing snow for the first time from r/cats
Bez fotografiranja, molim!
No pictures please from r/cats
Ne treba krzno da bude neodoljiva
One of our Sphynx kittens wants you to know how cute they are. from r/cats
Ispod pokrivača
Under the blanket from r/aww